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3/22/2010 3:51:05 PM
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6/20/2005 10:59:32 AM
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<br />September 19, 1979, in R-l, R-2, R-4, R-5 and R-6 Districts as defined in Title 10 ofthis <br />Code. A separate connection shall not be required for apartment-type buildings as <br />detelmined by the Public Works Director. (Ord. 855,9-10-79; amd. 1995 Code) <br />J. Exception to Independent Sewer System Requirement: Under the following limited <br />circumstances, the requirement for an independent sewer system provided in subsection Iof <br />this Section need not be met: <br />1. Where one building stands to the rear of another building on an interior lot and no private <br />sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, <br />court, yard or driveway, the building drain from the front building may be extended to the <br />rear building and the whole will be considered as one building drain. Where such a building <br />drain is extended, a cleanout shall be provided immediately inside the rear wall of the front <br />building. <br />2. A new structure on one parcel may be permitted to connect to an existing sewer line <br />serving an adjacent parcel when the following conditions are met: <br />a. The alternative construction of a new sewer service to serve the parcel would create a <br />hardship due to the necessity of crossing a railroad or roadway by method other than <br />open cut or as determined by the Public Works Director. <br />b. The owners of the property will sign and record an instmment, in perpetuity, for joint <br />use and maintenance of the shared service, which instrument specifically holds the City <br />harmless and releases the City from any and all claims relating to the shared service. A <br />copy of said instrument will be filed with the City for approval by the City Attorney. <br />c. The Public Works Director determines that the shared sewer has adequate capacity for <br />anticipated flows. <br />d. A cleanout is provi.ded at the junction point ofthe two (2) services. (Ord. 926, 5-22-83; <br />amd. 1995 Code) <br />K. Repair of Public Right of Way: No connection to the City sanitary sewer system shall be <br />finally approved until all streets, pavements, curbs and boulevards or other public <br />improvements have been restored to their former condition to the satisfaction ofthe Public <br />Works Director. (219, 9-4-56; amd. 1995 Code) <br />L. Costs and Maintenance: <br />I. Installation and Connection: All costs and expenses incidental to the installation and <br />cOllilection to the Municipal sewer system shall be borne by the owner and the owner shall <br />indemnify the City for any loss or damage that may, directly or indirectly, be occasioned by <br />the installation of the sewer connection, including restoring streets and street surface. <br />2. Maintenance: It shall be the responsibility of the owner or occupant to maintain the sewer <br />service from the main sewer into the house or building. (Ord. 532, 3-20-67) <br /> <br />802.07: USE OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS RESTRICTED: <br /> <br />No person shall use any building or allow any other person to use any building which is not <br />cOlU1ected to the Municipal sanitary sewer system as required by Section 802.03 of the City <br />Code. (Ord. 414, 4-6-64) <br /> <br />802.08: PROHIBITED DISCHARGES: <br /> <br />All discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system shall be in conformance with the Waste <br />Discharge Rules adopted by the Metropolitan Waste Control COlmnission. (1995 Code) <br />
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