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<br />This is for Public Works Transportation Commission discussion purposes om y. Additional text to be <br />inserted is underlined. <br /> <br /> <br />All.~l~6h!!!,ge into the City's sanitary sewer system shall be in confonnance with the Waste Discharge <br />RJiles!!dppted by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. (1995 Code) <br /> <br /> <br />1\16 1?ets6nshall discharge or cause to discharged into the sanitary sewer svstem anv substance <br />notf~ql!iiiilh!jitreatment or any substance not acceptable for discharge as determined by the Citv <br />or theNfP~i#EIDnlv smritary sewage from approved plumbing fixtures mav be discharged into <br />the sa11itiiifxsilWersy~tem. <br />~.(}~efson shal~gis?~fu:~w~r cause to be discharged, directlv or indirectly, any storm water <br />stiffac~i\~mter, grouh.dwiiter.roofrunoff, subsurface drainage. or cooling water to any sanitarv <br />sewi!fk#Yp~r~?n hih'i#g~~oo~ drain, sump pump, unauthorized swimming pool discharge, <br />cistertJO~ed'lpwpipe of connected and/ or discharging into the sanitarv sewer shall <br /> <br />~~~::~~~f~'~~1~~f:::biP~m~0~~ysiem conveving such water to the sanitarv sewer svstem <br /> <br />C. Anv sumps 26hsirtia~~~~lir JuneL 209~:sh~1 ~~~e a pump and shall be piped to the outside of <br />the dwelling before aCy~ifislltY8r OCCUB~I~SviS;!~~Ued. <br />D. A per month surchargeshal~be iii!i~os~datid~hillt~badded to everv sewer billing, to propertv <br />owners who are found not inbom~liaric~witlitllls~~sti?fl;' The surcharge shall be applied every <br />quarter until the propertv is verifiedt?beil~sompliari?~thr?1Jgh the City's inspection program. <br />E. Any persons refusing to allow their6li6~~HVf~ b~. ihsh~~;ed.~~M;..i~mediatelv become subiect to <br />the surcharge as descnbed m sectIOn 805,g~D ') ..} <br />F. Anv owner of any property found to be in violati6ii6f this secti6nshiilLll1ake the necessary <br />changes to complv with this section and suchfhiiii&e shall~gNerlfle~Hyauthorized Citv <br />employees or its agents. Any propertv or structure not!us~~ctiili orrip;irtcgfr\j!Jliance bv August <br />L 2007, shall. following notification from the City. c6ilhplvwiibinfourteent14T calendar davs or <br />be subiect to the surcharge as provided in section 805.08 D,herliiHiiil:~r')i< <br />G. Upon verified compliance with this section, the Citv reserves the rlghtto re-inspet!tsudli <br />property or structure at least annuallv to confirm continued comtlti;~lilie:~4;pr6Bertvfguii4not <br />to be in compliance upon re-inspection or anv person refusing to all?w~siiiiBt()1?ertv t6bs!e2I. <br />inspected shalt following notification from the City, complv withinfplll-t~ii~(!4)Clll~ndaed~~s< <br />or be subiect to the surcharge as provided in section 805.08 D, hereinafter.II.<} <br />H. The Public Works Director, shall review and decide written requests for temporM:X~ai*et~rrorn <br />the provisions from this Sections where strict enforcement would cause a threat to pal:1lrbs~r~t~. <br />because of circumstances unique to the individual propertv under consideration. Anvte9~es!sI <br />for a temporarv waiver from the provisions of this section, the propertv owner shall agreetopav <br />an additional fee for sanitary sewer services based on the number of gallons discharged into the <br />sanitary svstem as estimated by the Public Works Director or his/her designee. <br />I. Violation of this Section is a misdemeanor and each dav that the violation continues is a <br />separatelv prosecutable offense. The imposition of the surcharge shall not limit the Citv's <br />authoritv to prosecute the criminal violations, seek an iniunction in District Court ordering the <br />person to disconnect the nonconforming connection to the smritarv sewer, or for the Citv to <br />correct the violation and certifv the costs of connection as an assessment against the propeliv on <br />which the connection was made. <br />