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<br />'filll 1>!':~.;t <br /> <br />12/10 Jot <br />P~'\/IL <br /> <br />EXPEIUENClc: <br />rvrana~illg Producer-CO\TUS COJllJllllllictltions, IvJinneapolis, rvflllllesotn J/99-preS8Jlt. <br />Duties: Coordillntillg stafr l' Dr CONUS news gathering and All News Channel, including <br />mOllitoring work ot'el11ployccs :lnLl conducting pCrfOJ'i1HlnCe reviews, writing nnd producing or <br />ANC one! Firs! Business pmgrilllls, editing scripts, coordimHing grRphic production for progl'OJ1lS, <br />nrmnging srltcJlite feeds [i'om stfltlons, coordinating feeds to 3[(1tioI15, coordinating covcr(lge or <br />live llvenl$, lUJldling cI:(:l\: s~,'\li(Jj'] s0J'viCt: I'"XjueSlS, mainlf!lning dc-Illy JlewS gc-Il!ie:rillg <br />operations wi;:liin cShb:i3h:d budg.;t, ccordin:ll!llg presentation of news inforlllntion on the <br />CONUS web site. <br /> <br />Pl'odllcel'.5:3!) NGws, WOO:)-lV, Grand [Z[:pids, ~ljcl1igan J/S'7~3/99. <br />Duties: Coorclinntil1g story CD\'C!'nge and gnphic presentntion for 5:30 news program, writing and <br />editing slories, writing slo,'ic.s fbr the sUllion's web site, production of breaking nc\vs cut-ins. <br /> <br />I'roduccr,Weekencls and sJlcci,ds KWCH-TV, Wichita, KS 3/95-3/97, <br />Duties: Coordinatillg slnr:" l~i)VCn~ge :lllcl graphic pre8cnt:ttioll ofwcckend news progrnllls, <br />coordill1!ting silln~ writii;g and '~~cilting .stories, editing vici~o tape, coordinating all (\sjJects of <br />producing specjnls, field jll.oduGcr for anchors' series. <br /> <br />Producel'~\Ve,~J~C!lC:J five [:I\d tl.'Jl o'clock news I(I~VS~TV, Cape Girardeau, .rvl0 7/9<1-3/95. <br />Duties: Coordinl1ting story coverage unci graphic present\'ltiol1 of news progrnrns, editing scripts <br />(lacl tripe, production ofspl:cird reports. <br /> <br />Producer.Ten o'doct news J(1\[1"-1"V, JOilcsboro, AR 12/93-7/94, <br />Duties: COC1l"dinnting stOi) coverage ili1d grnphic presentlltion of late evening news progr<ll1l, <br />coordirTaiillg StUn: writillg ami editing scripts, editing t:lpe, vidcogrnph)'; c;ordinating <br />pril~13ry election and occasiollnl production ofsp~"cinls <br /> <br />AlIcharlHeiJOrl('r. WfvU\. Y -!\il'l, Spriilglield, IL 10/93. ] 2/93, <br />Dut-rcs: Co-anchoring cI:lil.\' hour-lollg newscast, anchoring af-lcrIlOOllUpd,ltcs, generating story <br />ideas, writing scripts, edit-ng scripts :\Ild tape, Ciccnsiollal hosting of public rl1111irs progrlllll, <br /> <br />Hcportcl'-GO\'Cr:linG:lt rl1c! i)(;li~ics :.cportt'J' il1tc3rI1 for WAND-TV, Decatur, lL. Il1tensive handS-Oil <br />Expcricllc,c C(J\'c~.il1g the: S[I['': ca;Jlt;d, 1/Y;~~'/93" <br />Duties: IZerol ~.CI\er:lt:l~~ .,tui~sJ rc;c,lrCLiJig aile! tracking legisi<llioil of illlcrest io audience, <br />video tnp(~, ccliti:lg ilnd vi..lcog,'aphy. <br /> <br />neportCI'~BLlSiness nile! PO:ilil's rcFol'ler Cor the ~-,dedQllllinJ\.ccorcl, Sl. Jol1l1sbury, VT, ],Hgcst d;lily <br />llcwspnpcr covering ,! si\\ '.'iJUI1!,~/ 2rCil ill Vermont <l1le! Nc\v I-l<lJ11pshire, 3/91.~7/9J. <br />Duties: .ltepOI'cing, gcne~'i\[ii1g 5tor.y idec!s, 1....~senr('.hil1g and photogrClpl1:;I, <br /> <br />IWUc:..\.TlON: <br />rd.A. in Public Aff'lirs Repo:'(ng (199J) <br />UlIiversity oflllillois at Spril1!::ncld, Spl'jilgIleid, IL 62794 <br /> <br />D.S. in B:.oadcast JO~II'(]al:s:ll (]~,;9]) <br />LY:lClon St::1le Co!kgt',, VT n5t;~', 1 <br /> <br />i\.F[ilLlATIONS: <br />lbdio and Telcvi3i0!1 N('\\'~' D'rc-ctoi's As.sor.illioll <br />