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<br />Robbinsdale City Code <br /> <br />1305.07 (Rev. 1997) <br /> <br />1305.07. Parking in congested zones. Subdivision 1. General rule. It is unlawful to park a vehicle or <br />permit it to stand upon a street in a congested zone for a period of time longer than one hour during the hours <br />hetween 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 6:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />Subd. 2. Congested zones. It is unlawful to park a vehicle or permit it to stand upon a street which <br />has been designated a one hour zone for more than one hour. When a one hour zone is in an area in which <br />parking by resident permit pursuant to subsection 1305.15, the one hour restriction does not apply to <br />vehicles hearing resident permits, but allows non-permitted vehicles to remain on the street for not more than <br />one hour. <br /> <br />1305.09. Restricted parking. Subdivision 1. Four hour rule. Except as otherwise provided in this code, no <br />person in charge of a vehicle may park or permit the vehicle to stand upon a highway, street or alley in the <br />city or on property owned or leased hy the city, for more than four consecutive hours between the hours of <br />12 o'clock a.m. and 8 o!clock a.m. nor for more than six consecutive hours at any time. <br /> <br />Subd. 2. Trucks. In an industrial, commercial, or multiple dwelling area where off-street parking <br />area or truck standing spaces are provided, those vehicles must use the designated area for parking, loading <br />or unloading. <br /> <br />Subd. 3. Snow. After a snowfall of at least two inches, parking is prohibited on public streets, <br />highways, and alleys in the city and on property owned or leased by the city. Parking may not resume on a <br />street, highway or alley until it has been plowed and the snow removed to the curb line. Parking may not be <br />resumed on any individual property owned or leased by the city until the property has been plowed to the <br />perimeters thereof. (Amended, Ord. No. 91-14, Sec. 1) <br /> <br />1305.10. (Added, Ord. No. 96-10) Prohibited oarking. Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding any provision in <br />this section to the contrary, the parking of any truck-tractor, semi-trailer, truck tactor and simi-trailer <br />comhination on commercially zoned private property is prohibited except in the following circumstances: <br /> <br />(a) where such parking is necessary in connection with construction activity which is actually <br />occurring on the property pursuant to a valid and current building permit; <br /> <br />(b) for a period of up to 12 hours, or such longer time as permitted in writing by the police <br />chief, where such parking is for the purpose of unloading or loading materials, supplies or <br />inventory to he used in connection with the business activity occurring on the property; but <br />not for the purpose of storage of such materials, or inventory pending sale; <br /> <br />(c) where such vehicles are actually being offered for sale or lease by the business locatcd on <br />the property, but only if such sale or lease activity is permitted by this code; <br />