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<br />~Si3VfbbE <br /> <br />Curbside Recycling Survey <br />Weekly Collection <br />1) Over the past four months you have been testing weekly collection of your recyclables. Which method <br />do you prefer? (Please circle one) <br /> <br />61.9% 1) <br />31.2% 2) <br />0.9% 3) <br />5.9% 4) <br /> <br />I prefer the new method - weekly collection <br />I prefer the regular method - every other week collection <br />Neither, I don't recycle <br />No opinion <br /> <br />2) How satisfied are you with weekly collection? (Please circle one) <br /> <br />74.8% 1) Very Satisfied <br />11.4% 2) Somewhat Satisfied <br />5.4% 3) Somewhat dissatisfied <br />1.5% 4) Very Dissatisfied <br /> <br />3) How have you changed your recycling habits because of weekly collection? (Please circle all that apply) <br /> <br />25.7% a) <br />17.3% b) <br />14.8% c) <br />59.9% d) <br />0.5% e) <br />1.5 % f) <br /> <br />Recycle more often <br />Recycle materials I didn't recycle before <br />Recycle more of the stuff I recycled before <br />Has not changed my recycling habits <br />Don't recycle <br />Other (please describe) <br /> <br />4) What did you like about weekly collection? (Please circle all that apply) <br /> <br />75.7% a) <br />53.9% b) <br />18.8% c) <br />10.4% d) <br />3.5% e) <br /> <br />It was easy to remember when to put out my recycling <br />I didn't have to keep as much material in the house <br />I was able to recycle more material <br />Did not like weekly collection <br />Other (please describe) <br />