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<br />April 28, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />the City's dual stream program. This 2001 contract includes a number ofrelevant defInitions <br />and service provisions to make this maximum rate as practical as possible. (See appendix C <br />for details.) <br /> <br />Policy Implications <br /> <br />Several key recycling and solid waste management policy questions are raised within the City <br />of Roseville' s pilot collection study and this memo. <br /> <br />Role of the Cities in Minimizing Disposal of Materials Collected for Recycling - Each <br />local municipality has some role in assuring the materials collected for recycling by its <br />contractor are indeed recycled to the maximum extent feasible. The negative public relations <br />caused by materials unnecessarily disposed as waste are a major threat to the residents' trust <br />that is essential in continuously encouraging, maintaining, and improving participation in <br />municipal recycling programs. This is true regardless of collection method (i.e., dual stream <br />vs. single stream). <br /> <br />There are a variety of optional procedures that a city can implement to maximize recycling <br />and minimize unnecessary disposal of materials collected. These options may not be <br />mutually exclusive and include: <br /> <br />. Tacitly encourage the contractor to maximize recycling. <br /> <br />. Work to provide clear, consistent city-published public education tools as to <br />materials to be included for recycling and excluded (non targeted materials). <br /> <br />. During recycling service procurement (e.g., during development of request for <br />proposals and contract negotiations, etc.): <br /> <br />. Adopt clear defInitions of terms, including "targeted materials", "non-targeted <br />materials", and "processing residuals"; <br /> <br />. Specify public education tools to be provided by the contractor and require that <br />the city approve the education materials before they are distributed; <br /> <br />· Consciously decide if the contractor shall provide a truck-side quality <br />inspection function (i.e., will materials be rejected by the collection crew and <br />education tags left in the curbside bin); <br /> <br />· Specify a maximum processing residuals rate and an agreed upon measurement <br />scheme for objectively monitoring this rate; and/or <br /> <br />. SpecifY a liquidated damage charge to be imposed on the contractor if the <br />maximum processing residual rate is exceeded. <br /> <br />01-00253-10101-01011070001 I 13500 P:\13500 Ramsey Co. 2003\RTA\Roseville\FA\DraftResiduaIsMemo042805.doc <br /> <br />DRAFT <br />