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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 4:00:34 PM
Creation date
9/11/2006 9:18:50 AM
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Public Works Commission
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<br />RoseviIle Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br /> <br />Agenda Item <br /> <br />Date: November 22, 2005 <br /> <br />Item No: 5 <br /> <br />Item Description: Discussion of Additional Rules Proposed by Capitol Region Watershed <br /> <br />Background: The City of Roseville lies within three different watershed management <br />organization boundaries. The western half of the City lies within Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />the southeast one-third lies within Capitol Region Watershed District, and the northeast one-third <br />drains to Grass Lake Water Management Organization water bodies. <br /> <br />By state statute, watershed management organization governing bodies set rules and standards <br />for runoff and treatment of storm water that flows to their jurisdictional water bodies. Capitol <br />Region Watershed District is in the process of adopting rules for all development and City <br />construction projects within their jurisdiction. <br /> <br />On October 10, 2005, the City of Roseville was informed by the CRWD that it had completed a <br />draft of rules and technical standards that are intended to implement the goals and policies of the <br />CRWD's Watershed Management Plan. A draft of these rules and standards was provided to the <br />City for review and comment, with a deadline of November 29, 2005. We would like to have a <br />discussion with the Council on how these rules could impact future projects. Staff is preparing <br />comments to the watershed district regarding these rules. Some of the questions identified by <br />staff include: <br /> <br />. How much will the cost of street reconstruction projects increase? <br />. How much will the additional maintenance and future reconstruction of these facilities cost <br />the City and impact the residents? <br />. How effective are the proposed infiltration practices in linear applications (road projects)? <br />. With limited right- of- way, already crowded with utilities, where can we find the room to <br />install infiltration trenches? Do these trenches take precedent over existing utilities in the <br />right- of- way? What about street trees and pathways in the boulevards? <br />. Why are the proposed CR WD standards much higher than the existing state and national <br />standards under which the City currently operates? Is it true that these standards will be the <br />highest in Minnesota? <br />. The new rules go into effect in January 2006 as proposed by the CRWD, will the district <br />deny permits for the Roselawn reconstruction project that has been under development since <br />June 2005, with bidding anticipated during the winter? <br />. How much will the cost of private development on properties larger than one acre increase? <br />. Can the CRWD supply additional information regarding the effectiveness of the proposed <br />
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