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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 4:08:27 PM
Creation date
9/11/2006 9:36:30 AM
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Public Works Commission
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<br />for comments to December 15, 2005. Bloom asked for comments from <br />the Connnission on the new rules that can be presented to the City Council <br />on December 5, at which time the Council will be asked to pass a <br />resolution that will be sent to the Ramsey County Connnissioner. One of <br />the things the City is asking for is the establishment of a technical <br />advisory committee. Member Neprash said that the watershed district is <br />required to have a technical advisory committee from day one of <br />formation. Bloom said that the City supports the goals of the CRWD but <br />just doesn't agree with how they want to implement them. Bloom went <br />over other questions the City has. <br /> <br />Chair Wilke asked about the 60 day deadline for construction permits, if <br />the applicant doesn't get a response from the City within 60 days does he <br />get to go on with his project. Bloom said the City can extend it to 90 and <br />can ask for permission to extend it to 120. Schwartz said that's for project <br />approval, it still would be subject to other approval. <br /> <br />Member Neprash said that it's worth noting this set of issues is wider than <br />just Roseville or even CRWD. He feels the watershed is anxious to sit <br />down and work with the cities. All the cities involved want to set up an <br />advisory connnittee and are willing to participate. St. Paul is in the <br />process of putting together a comprehensive list of their issues like <br />Roseville is doing. He thinks that having the City Council pass a <br />resolution is a good idea in that it shows CRWD how serious an issue this <br />IS. <br /> <br />Member Willenbring asked if the technical advisory connnittee would be <br />voluntary or paid staff time. Bloom said they rely on paid staff, and the <br />meetings are during daytime hours. <br /> <br />Member Fischer said he was surprised they didn't already have an <br />advisory committee and asked if they have given any reason why they <br />haven't already established one. He strongly recommends that it is <br />requested in the resolution. <br /> <br />Member Shiely said he thinks existing rights-of-way should be <br />grandfathered in and new rules shouldn't apply to them. He wanted read <br />into the record that the average home price for Roseville in 2005 was <br />$254,000 and the current tax levy by CRWD is $17.50, which is a <br />percentage based on value. He said the more convoluted CRWD makes <br />their process and the more staff that is involved will just end up costing <br />residents that much more money. <br /> <br />Member Shiely said that water decreases in volume as the temperature <br />increases. He said CRWD should be taking that into consideration. He <br />said there's a difference of 5% between 60 and 90 degree water. <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />
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