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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:40:23 PM
Creation date
2/6/2007 11:14:23 AM
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Planning Commission
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City of Roseville - Planning Commission Minutes for August 2, 2006 <br />development. <br />City Engineer Deb Bloom noted that staff would work with the developer to determine elevations, land contours, <br />and type and style of housing allowable on specific lots depending on storm water management controls. Ms. <br />Bloom noted the current nature of the site and extent of impervious surface; and the anticipated improvements <br />available with the proposed development use and more green space and storm water control being implemented. <br />available for storm water management, whether through ponding, or underground storage based on infiltration <br />requirements, costs, and trends. <br />Further discussion included preliminary price points projections (i.e., $350,000 - $500,000 for single-family units; <br />and $250,000 - $350,000 for multi-units) depending on final sizes and designs; comparable elevation and <br />architectural details for single-family and multi-family units; HRA review of conceptual plans, and future meetings <br />with the HRA with more specific designs to meet their criteria and standards; safety concerns with a storm water <br />distance and proximity accommodations from structure to structure; and setbacks for adjoining residential <br />properties and neighborhood characterization. <br />Developers addressed their flexibility with side yard setbacks, while noting that the more width available, the more <br />establishment by the developer of a multi-unit association to address ongoing maintenance of exteriors and roofs <br />and common areas, and a reserve account to ensure that current and future needs are met. <br />Chair Traynor expressed his personal concerns related to the four-plex; and opined that it was inconsistent with the <br />character and balance of the rest of the development; expressed further concerns related to cooperative <br />Traynor sought developer comment on placement of another twin home, rather than a four-plex, and planning for <br />larger homes on Lots 7 and 8. <br />Mr. Zawadski noted that the proposal previously presented to the Planning Commission had included three (3) twin <br />homes on Hamline Avenue; however, that that Planning Commission and public comment had expressed <br />concerns regarding access on Hamline, thus those modifications for a four-plex to address and alleviate those <br />access point concerns. <br />Chair Traynor further expressed his personal concern related to storm water management located only on one side <br />of the property, while recognizing the challenges of the various land uses and site contours, and further <br />recognizing the diversity in housing and affordability concerns for the site. <br />Commissioner Doherty opined the affordability concerns if the four-plex became a twin home, and whether the <br />projected price points could be achieved; recognizing the density and lot costs per unit and building efficiencies in <br />a four-plex. <br />Ms. Eeris Fritz, 2922 Hamline <br />Ms. Fritz noted that she had provided written comments as well. <br />week. <br />Ms. Fritz spoke in opposition to the four-plex; opined that the entire plan was too high in density for that <br />neighborhood; and encouraged the Planning Commission to reconsider the proposal. <br />Ms. Fritz further questioned the actual School District represented, whether it was Mounds View or Roseville, and <br />opined that the notice was confusing. <br />Staff and the developer noted that the property was owned by the Mounds View School District, but that all school <br />districts state-wide were facing significant declining enrollment; and that providing affordable housing for area <br />school districts was a win-win for the community and area. <br />Ms. Fritz further questioned why office space was not considered as part of the plan, rather than single-family <br />5 of 152/6/2007 11.13 <br /> <br />
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