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10/13/2008 11:12:53 AM
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2/6/2007 11:19:38 AM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 01, 2006 <br />Page 5 <br />Ms. Bloom advised that she was in ongoing discussions with Mr. Mueller and his engineer to <br />address the requirements of the City for drainage, water quality and rate control; but that no <br />drainage plan had been approved at this time, and they would need Mr. Ramalingam’s <br />permission to cross his property (i.e., easement) prior to proceeding. Ms. Bloom noted that <br />the drainage management plan would need to meet potential flooding issues, and satisfy <br />Engineering Department requirements; and meet any public easements required prior to <br />proceeding with permit issuance to proceed. Ms. Bloom advised that there were numerous <br />options for the developer to consider as part of the drainage plan, including an underground <br />chamber system and/or a rain garden. <br />Ms. Bloom, in addressing the parking question, noted that, standards dictate that no parking <br />was allowed on any roadway narrower than twenty-eight feet (28’). <br />Chair Traynor noted staff’s recommended condition 5.3 related to approval for grading, <br />drainage and storm water management. <br />Gary Boryczka, 2250 Acorn Road <br />Mr. Boryczka had several questions regarding the location of the proposed driveways to the <br />street and/or intersection, which were addressed by staff. <br />Mr. Boryczka reviewed his historical perspective of the 1995 construction of Acorn Road, <br />opining that it was the smallest road in Roseville, and was sized in accordance to input from <br />property owners so as to diminish impact to the neighborhood. Mr. Boryczka opined that <br />there was no expectation at that time of the magnitude of development off this small road, <br />and if intentions were known at the time of that decision, the road wouldn’t have been <br />allowed to be built this small. <br />Mr. Boryczka questioned staff’s actual review of the plans as submitted; and opined that staff <br />“always approved them.” <br />preliminary plans <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff supported the as submitted, and following <br />no final plats or plans <br />careful and detailed review; however, noted that had been presented <br />or approved at this time. Mr. Paschke noted that the City’s review process by applicable <br />departments and personnel had been provided; and a review of City Code currently in force, <br />with direct correlation that requirements had been met. <br />Mr. Boryczka questioned which grading plan, “A” or “B,” would be used. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that, at this time, the plans were conceptual (Preliminary) in nature, and <br />the applicant would be required to provide a final drainage plan to meet all requirements of <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District, and City Code; and that the final grading plan may be a <br />combination of both, one or none of those submitted, depending on additional findings and <br />Preliminary <br />review. Mr. Paschke reiterated that the Planning Commission was reviewing a <br />Platconceptual <br /> in a proposal. <br />Mr. Boryczka expressed concern with the proposed curbing indicated, and questioned water <br />run-off. <br />Ms. Bloom reiterated her statement that, as a condition of approval, the applicant would need <br />to meet storm water management requirements; and that the final information had yet to be <br />completed by the applicant’s engineer, and presented to staff for review and approval. <br />Mr. Boryczka continued to dispute details of the proposed plat, including how the homes <br />would be addressed and his presentation of the preliminary plat to the U.S. Postmaster. <br /> <br />
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