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2005_Human Rights Comm Minutes
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
2005_Human Rights Comm Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 3:41:01 PM
Creation date
5/25/2007 11:14:13 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Niki, my best friend, is a really good kicker and usually gets a home run. Right as Niki <br />was about to kick the ball the bell rang to go back inside. All of us groaned, because who <br />wants to go back to school? So we all started to run to the doors, our tennis shoes <br />smacking against the pavement when all of a sudden Niki and I heard someone yell <br />"blackey." Niki is Hawaiian so her skin is kind of dark. Niki whipped her head around <br />looking for the person that yelled that to her. We spotted three 5th grade girls glaring at <br />Niki. She looked shocked and she glared back.. . After that incident whenever we saw <br />those girls they would yell "blackey" at Niki or ask her if she was the devil. By the time <br />Niki and I were really fed up with those girls, so we decided to tell one of the assistant <br />teachers. He said that he would talk to the girls, but they still yelled "blackey." I don't' <br />know ifhe talked to them about it or ifthey just decided to ignore him. I hope he did <br />because discrimination is a really bad thing and it needs to be stopped! <br /> <br />Towards the middle of the school year, a new student came to my school and was in my <br />class. She was transferred from another elementary school and happened to be South <br />African. Immediately I noticed people looking at her and snickering. A certain group of <br />girls would get together and talk behind her back. They would say she smelled and looked <br />funny. <br /> <br />Discrimination-Gender <br />Another act of discrimination, that wasn't directed at me, but at all the girls in my sixth <br />grade. We had this whole debate in social studies about how guys are perceived as the <br />more dominant gender. The guys were saying that women should stay home and cook and <br />clean for the men. When the men get home the women should have a meal already hot and <br />ready for them to eat. <br /> <br />Discrimination-Religious <br />A group of six students walked up to me on the bus and noticed that I was wearing a <br />necklace with a cross on it and a W.W.J.D. bracelet. They asked me if! was a Christian or <br />a Jew, and I replied that I was a Christian. Right away, they started to say I was an idiot <br />because I believed in Christianity, and they replied that everybody was made of slime or <br />evolved from monkeys. I tried to defend my religion by saying that we were made by the <br />one and only God and that he gave his only son, Jesus, to die here on earth for our sins. <br />Unfortunately, they ignored me and hit me...The student that told the bus driver came back <br />and asked me if I was ok and to see if I needed to call my mom to go to the doctor. <br /> <br />Discrimination-Sexual Orientation <br />Something that I have noticed within the last 2 or 3 years is that in school I have started to <br />hear the phrase "That's so gay" more and more. I don't know if people don't realize that <br />they are discriminating against those who are gay or if they know and don't really care, but <br />what I do know is that it is discriminating and it hurts everyone who hears it. Maybe it <br />doesn't hurt them personally, but every time that somebody says that, it is hurting <br />somebody. I knew a girl last year who considered herself gay. Every day that she went to <br />school she was treated horribly, yet she always stayed herself, and never tires to change <br />herself. She went through so much last year that I am surprised that she could continue <br />. coming to school and was able to remain true to herself. She was tripped and pushed in the <br />
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