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<br />purpose <br /> <br />This t1andbook contains an <br />abundance of resources and <br />tools, which are marked as <br />follows: <br /> <br />a For informational Web <br />RESOURCES <br /> <br />o For TOOLS that arc <br />available to assist you <br /> <br /> <br />Climate Action Handbook <br /> <br />Tlw Clim3tt' Action Handbook offers examples of actions thai local gm'cffll1wnts can <br />takl' 10 n-dun' global warming {'missions and implement the fommitnlC'I1IS for climate <br />prott'nion callt'C1 out in Ill(' U.S. Mayors' Climate Prol('rtion Agn'(,l11j.nt (MCPA). Tlw <br />Handbook demonstrates that clim3H' protection does not Ill'("('ssital{' {'ntin'ly Ill'\\' <br />gO\'l'rnnlC'llt opt'rations. it i\ a mattC'r of stn'allllining and making modifkatiol1\ and <br />imprO\'l'Illl'IltS to many of thl' SYSH'lllS and opC'raliom. a city alrC'any has in place'. <br /> <br />This Handbook offt'rs initial stl'pS a city can take' 10 ('ffccti\"('ly C'ngagc ill mccting tl1(' <br />7 p('rce'llt targt't ~N forth in tll(' MCPA and a("hieY(' dC'('pl'r rC'duniol15 for r('(luring tlu' <br />greenhousC' gas C'mis~ions that arr global warming pollutants. <br /> <br />This guide' is ~('paratt'd into thn'(' st'niollS that offl'r simpll' next strps to advance <br />dimatl' protr("tion in your city: <br /> <br />)hl ,11 <br /> <br />Policies <br /> <br />~cct 1011 2 Actions & Tools <br /> <br />S<.dlC1n <br /> <br />Best Practices & Resources <br /> <br />What Can Local Governments do? <br /> <br />Loral gO\"l'rnmellts haw the powC'r to affect the main sourccs of pollution directly <br />linked to dimatt' chang(': l'nergy USe'. transportation, and waste. Cities control thr day- <br />to-day activities that determine th(' amount of t'lH'rgy uSNI and v,;astl' gC'Tl('ratt'd by th('ir <br />community - from land us(' and zoning dl'cisiollS to control OVl'r building codes alld <br />Hnn\('s. infrastructllrc in\T'5tm('nts. municipal service de!ivrry and lIlanagemrnt of <br />schools. parks and rC'(Teation ar('l)\. <br /> <br />A rangC' of ani om can he incorporated into tll('5(, operations to r('duCt' as\ocia(('d global <br />""arming {'missions. Local govrrnmcnts arc uniquely positioned to inflm'nce citiz('T1 <br />behavior5 that dir('ctly affC'ct dimatl' dmngC' such as transportation options. l'lH'rgj' <br />consumption pattC'rns. and gC'Ill'ral consuITl('r dC'cisions. <br /> <br />The following s('C{iol1s offrr thl' polich's, tools and brst prarli("("s Ill'(,lh'd to help a city <br />ml'('l tll(' commitlTIrnts of til(' MCPA and positively support th(' path to C'fft'ctivrly <br />n'dllcing global warming pollutants and advancing climatl' protcction. <br />