Laserfiche WebLink
<br />section3 <br /> <br />best practices & resources <br /> <br />ImmporliJrion '.Resources <br />conlimled <br /> <br />Transportation Planning Tools: <br />Travel Matters' Transit Planning Emissions Calculator: Quantify the Impact of transit <br />decisions on global warming pollution. An online tool for measuring the emissions Impact <br />of making transit buses more fuel efficient. <br />http'//wviI'Wtrllvclm.JtWrs ora <br /> <br />Center for Transportation Excellence's Transit Benefits Calculator: Estimate the co-benefits <br />of tranSit investments, An online tool that focuses on the local economic benefits of tranSit <br />Investments. Ilttn Ilwwwcftc orO!C?llwli1tor,1c,D <br /> <br />EPA's COMMUTER Model: Examining the BenefIts of Transportation and Air Quality <br />Programs Focused on Commuting A model for quantifying the emiSSions benefits of <br />strategies to reduce solo commuting, <br />httn:ffwww (>[xl,oovfol;lCI!'}tC1lr.rcsOllrcesinolicy!n(Jq trClIlc;n Iltm::CD <br /> <br />IClElland Use and Transportation Toolkit ~lllryllwww Iclf>i ora <br /> <br />Commute Trip Reduction: <br />Case studies from Best Workplaces for Commuters on creating commute reduction <br />programs from carpooling to parking cash out programs <br />11ItIJ'I/www bwc 9ov/pn1nlov/l1C:ncfll'i,lllm <br /> <br />The U.S. EPA has developed a Web-based Calculator to enable an employer considenng Best <br />Workplaces for Commuters to estimate (he financial. envIronmental. traffic-related. and <br />other benefits of joining the program. httn:llwww bwc oov/rC50urCf!/calc hll11 <br />Car sharing strategies from the VIctoria Transport Polley Institute: <br />IlltO'!I\fIIII-Jwvtoi,om/lcll1lildrn7 hI In <br /> <br />The Car Sharing library - A listing of resources httl1:1/www C{Jr<,lli-HinU I1ct/librmvlrndC'x.hlml <br /> <br />Commute Trip Reduction - Ordinances/Resolutions: <br />Commute Trip Reduction Model Ordinance from the Washington State Department of <br />Transportation <br />hi tn://www,wSdot,\Va,oov/ldmitr lorCctllct ion/dowlllo<lcIlMortcIOrdiIlJllcd INAI ,doc <br /> <br />Transportation Demand Management Model Ordinance from the State of Minnesota <br />Iltl D' Ilserver (]ejmill ,stille, mil 1l':i/oof/2000!cnl)fModeIOrcjWI1ote I)df <br /> <br />Green Fleets: <br />The Clean Fleet Guide features tools to help fleets make' vehicle and fuel decisions <br />including speCIficatIons on available alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. <br />tools to perform cost analyses based on speCific locations. and information on otller <br />technologies that can help improve fuel economy, httn:l/vwJ\-'I/ ecrcellC.'f(]V nov/flcctllui(jc <br /> <br />Clean Cities is committed to providing coalitions, fleet managers. and the public with <br />accurate, accessible information. Data on purchasing alternative fuel and advanced <br />technology vehicles to emissions and fuel information. <br />htlo:!/www Cc[('.(~ncrnv (Jov/crc.~llcitic')l!oOI'i Info.lltml <br /> <br />EPA Green Fleet FAQ <br />1m!) 1/\NW'NCO(j C1ov/cmis'iwclJ/f3(J hIm <br /> <br />Green Driving Tips - Driving and maintenance tips for emissions reductions <br />blll1./fv.JINW trlDrH,t ortl/GrccnDrlvllKlflO'i pm <br />