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1'he Village Clerk of the pillage of ~ioseville is hereby authorized to prepare <br />a certified copy of this resolution and to certify the same to the County Auditor <br />of mosey County9 Minnesota. <br />T'he motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by <br />~iemhax Curley 9 and upon ate being taken thereon9 the following <br />voted in facer thereof a All present <br />and the fol~wing voted against saffie4 None <br />whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />S°1'A°.E~ ®F° MIDT1VdEESU°a'A <br />CU~JN'1~C ®F RAMa~C ~ SS <br />VIIaLAGE ®k° RUSEVIL~ <br />I9 the undersigned.,, being the duly qualified and actimg Clerk, of the Village <br />of Rosevi]le of Ramsey County9 Minnesota9 do hereby certify that I have carefully <br />compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of <br />said Village Council held on the 24th day of Uctot~e-x s 196 6 ~ with <br />the original thereof on file in my office and the samc is a full9 true and com- <br />plete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to apportionment of assess- <br />manta. <br />ASS MY RAC officially as such Clerk this 26th .day of US~.4be.~.. 9196~a <br />f ~ ~--L~~`L.. <br />Ac ng 11age Clerk <br />S~ <br />