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<br />63-3 <br /> <br />WHEREAS since that date a number of parcels of property contained within said <br /> <br />assessment roll as amended have been divided and conveyed by previous property <br /> <br />owners and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County Auditor or .Ramsey County requires that apportionment or <br /> <br />the original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />sold or conveyed, be made by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be collected in the year <br /> <br />1967 and therearter, <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Councilor the Village or Roseville does hereby make <br /> <br />the following apportionment of original assessments as contained in said assessment <br /> <br />roll of October 14, 1963 and as amended as of November 16, 1964 against the following <br /> <br />described properties: <br /> <br />ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT: <br />(see p. 66 & '67) <br /> <br />DIVISION fiJQ.~_37085 <br /> <br />Ln.terfl <br />frorlt <br /> <br />Trunk <br /> <br />ares, <br /> <br />'lbtcls <br /> <br />(A) 79-0080-040-80 <br />N 247.5 ft of fol: Bl of ~~ <br />of SEt & W 88 ft of ~ of sd t <br />(subj to Rd) in See 8, T 29, R23 <br /> <br />750.8 <br /> <br />3566.30 <br /> <br />(B) 79-0080-010-81 <br />Subj to TH 36; the E 3/4 of N <br />247.5 ft of S l072.5 ft of ~ <br />of sEk of See 8, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />247.5 <br /> <br />7. L~ <br /> <br />3395.62 <br /> <br />TOTALS : <br /> <br />998.3 <br /> <br />7.4 <br /> <br />696l.92 <br /> <br />REAPPORTIONMENT: <br /> <br />(1) 79-0080-020-8l <br />Ex W 220 ft & ex S 825 ft & ex <br />N 247.5 ft E of W 88 ft of E~ <br />of SEi'; the E 3/4 of Nt of Sd <br />i' (subj to Rds & esmts) in <br />See 8, T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />778-3 <br /> <br />6.2 <br /> <br />5556.92 <br /> <br />(2) 79-0080-030-81 <br />Ex S 825 ft; the W 220 ft of ~ <br />of E 3/4 of SEt (subj to Rds & <br />esmts) in See ~, T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />220.0 <br /> <br />l.2 <br /> <br />1405.00 <br /> <br />TOTOALS : <br /> <br />998.3 <br /> <br />7.4 <br /> <br />696l.92 <br />