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<br />approximately 694 Ft. to a point lying 250 Ft. <br />WIly of the E. line of said SW ~; thence S'ly and <br />parallel with and 250 Ft. distant W'ly from the E. <br />line of said SW ~, a distance of 974.82 Ft. to a point <br />lying 165 Ft. N'ly of the centerline of Judith Ave.; <br />thence W'ly and parallel with and 165 Ft. distant <br />N'ly from the centerline of said Ave., a distance <br />373 Ft.: thence S'ly 165 Ft. to a point on the center- <br />line of said Ave., said point lying 623 Ft. distant <br />Wily from the E. line of said SW ~: thence Wily along <br />the centerline of said Ave. 30 Ft. to the extended W. <br />line of Lot 3, Blk. 2, Rose Park: thence S'ly along <br />the W. lines of Lots 3 & 15, Blk. 2 of said Rose Park <br />to a point on the centerline of Rambler Road: thenoe <br />E'ly along the centerline of said road 69.02 Ft. to <br />the extended W. line of Lot 2, Blk. 5 of said Rose <br />park; thence S'ly along the extended W. line and west <br />line of said Lot 2 a distance of 153 Ft. to the SW cor. <br />of said Lot 2; thence E'ly along the 50. line of said <br />Lot 2 a distance of 58.93 Ft. to the NW cor. of Lot <br />29, said Blk. 5; thence S'ly and S'Wly along the W. lines <br />of Lots 25 thru 29 of said Blk. 5 a distance of 358.06 <br />Ft. to the WIly cor. of said Lot 25; thence S'Ely along <br />the SIWly and extended S'Wly line of said Lot 25 a <br />distance of 176 Ft. to the centerline of Sheldon Ave.; <br />thence 51Wly a distance 0 f approx. 20 Ft. to a point <br />which is the intersection of Sheldon St. and Talisman <br />curve; thence SI1y along the centerline of Sheldon <br />St. to a point on the So. line of said section 3 lying <br />329.11 Ft. W. of the SE cor of the SW :4 of said section, <br />said point also being on the No. line of the m~ ~ of <br />section 10, T. 29, R. 23; thence Slly approx. 100 <br />Ft. to a point on the centerline of the Northern <br />Pacific R. R. Co. Right of way: thence E'ly along said <br />centerline of said R/w approx. 2660 Ft. to a point <br />lying 300 Ft. distant WIly of the E. line of said <br />section 10: thence N'ly and parallel with and 300 Ft. <br />distant WIly from the E. line of said sections 10 & 3 <br />approx. 500 ft. to a point lying 266 Ft. No. of the <br />So. line of said section 3; thence E'ly a distance of <br />