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<br />st.Sw,65-66 <br /> <br />property thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be collected in the year <br /> <br />and thereafter, <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does hereby <br /> <br />make the following apportionment of original assessments as contained in said <br /> <br />assessment roll of October 10, 1966, against the following described properties~ <br /> <br />)RIGINA.L ASSESSllJENT <br />(See pg. 1-1, 2196-2200 & 2202) <br /> <br />DIVISION NO. 37400 <br /> <br />TOTALS <br /> <br />A-B-C-D)----------- <br /> <br />E) 79-0010-050-63 <br />ubj to Rds & ex Willmus Estates Plat #1 & ex beg <br />In S line of & 168 ft W from SE cor of swi; th <br />r 1114 ft; th N 332.5 ft; th N 48 ~ 176 ft; th <br />r 690E 436 ft; th E 207.94 ft; th S 52014' 40" <br />; 464 ft; th S to beg; & ex S 526.6 ft of W 920 <br />G; the S t of SW i. Also, NEly triangular part <br />f last exception, being 30 ft on N line & 70 ft <br />In E line of sd exception all in S t of ffif ! <br />~ Sec 1, T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />1180.00 <br /> <br />F) 79-8223-010-01 Willmus Est2tes Plat No.#l 200.00 <br /> Lot 1, Block 1 <br />G) Lot 2, Block 1 " II II " 200.00 <br />H) Lot 3, Block 1 II " " " 200.00 <br />:J) Lot 4, Block 1 It " " " 200.00 <br />:K) Lot 5, Block 1 II II II " 200.00 <br />:L) Lot 7, Block 1 II " II " 200.00 <br /> <br />TOTAL <br /> <br />2.3&.00 <br /> <br />i.EAPPORTIONr'lENT <br /> <br />~l) 79-0010-060-63 <br />E:x Ponding Area to Rosevil1e & ex Willmus Estates <br />Plat no. 1 & ex Western Hills No. 3 and ex S 526.6 <br />ft of W 920 ft; the S t of STrJ" l, Also, NEly triangular <br />part of last exception being 30 ft on N line & 70 ft <br />on E line in sd S! of S'W l (Subj to Rds ~ esmts) in <br />~ec 1, T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />1180.00 <br /> <br />(2) 79-8223-051-01 <br />Willmus Estates Plat No.#l <br />Ex Western Hills No. 113 <br />lot 5, Block 1 <br /> <br />200.00 <br /> <br />(Continued) <br />