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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:06:10 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 4:27:57 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />and the following voted against the same: <br /> <br />Hone <br /> <br />whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by <br /> <br />the Mayor, which was attested by the Clerk. <br /> <br />Member <br /> <br />Geockich <br /> <br />then introduced the following resolution and <br /> <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br /> <br />1857 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION FIXING FORM AND DETAILS AND PROVIDING <br />FOR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF $290,000 GOLF COURSE <br />BONDS, CREATING A SINKING FUND THEREFOR, AND <br />LEVYING TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, Minne- <br />sota, as follows: <br /> <br />1. The duly qualified electors of this Village, at a special election <br />duly called and held on February 21, 1967, authorized the issuance of the general <br />obligation bonds of this Village in an amount not exceeding $290,000 for the pur- <br />pose of providing funds for the acquisition of a municipal golf course to be owned <br />and operated by the Village, which bonds have now been duly sold and shall be is- <br />sued forthwith. The bonds so authorized and sold shall be designated as Golf Course <br />Bonds, shall be dated July 1, 1961, shall be issued in the denomination of $ <br />each and in the aggregate amount of $290,000, and shall mature serially, lowest num- <br />bers first, in the amount of $5,000 July 1, 1968, and $15,000 on July 1 in each of <br />the years 1969 through 1987. The bonds maturing in the, years 1968 through 1977 <br />shall be p~able on their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior <br />payment, but those maturing in the years 1978 through 1987 shall each be subject to <br />redemption and prepayment at the option of the Village, in inverse order of serial <br />numbers, on July 1, 1977, and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and ac- <br />crued interest. Not less than thirty days before the date fixed for the redemption <br />o~ any o~ the bonds, the Treasurer shall cause notice stating the amount, the serial <br />numbers and the maturities of the bonds called for redemption to be published in a <br />daily or weekly periodical published in a Minnesota city of the first class, which <br />circulates throughout the State and furnishes financial news as a part of its ser- <br />vice, and to be mailed to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, <br />and to be mailed to the owner of any bond called for redemption who has caused his <br />name and address and the serial numbers of his bonds to be recorded in the office <br />of the Treasurer, provided that failure to give such mailed notice shall not invali- <br />date the call of any bonds for redemption. Interest shall cease to accrue on each <br />bond at the date fixed for the redemption thereof, if notice of such redemption has <br />been duly published as herein required and there is then on deposit with the paying <br />agent a sum sufficient to pay such bonds and the accrued interest. The Village <br />Treasurer is authorized and directed to maintain in his office a record of the <br /> <br />-4- <br />
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