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12egular City C®uncil eating <br />1VI®nday, July 23, 2007 <br />Page 53 <br />applicant as to whether he preferred the Council to vote the project <br />down, or to vote in favor of requiring an EAW, and whether more in- <br />formation was readily available. Councilmember Pust recognized IV1r. <br />Haj ek's comments and his expressed concerns; however, noted that <br />she. could not .and would not approve projects based on the threat of <br />possible litigation. <br />Mr. Hajek clarified that he was not making threats, just stating facts, <br />and opined that use of the site for tractor trailers must be considered <br />more dangerous than the proposed project. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that Mr. Hajek would need to make his <br />own determination if that was the highest and best use of the property. <br />NIr. Livingston noted that he had submitted an EAW at the last meet- <br />ing, but that it apparently was deemed insufficient by staff. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the conversations held during the June 18, <br />2007 meeting; and suggested the applicant review the tape for staff s <br />comments and preliminary review of the document. <br />City Attorney Anderson noted that the applicant's comments indicated <br />that they'd already supplied all the information they intended to sup- <br />ply; and further noted that the City's traffic consultant indicated that <br />the options were unsafe; which provided grounds for denial. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her preference to hear the merits of <br />the project for hotel/restaurant use in a B-6 zone, and desired eco- <br />nomic development for the area; rather than outright denial. <br />Ihlan moved, Kough seconded, approving the requirement of comple- <br />tion of a Discretionary EAW for this site before final consideration of <br />a Preliminary Plat, Rezoning, and General Concept Planned Unit De- <br />velopment to redevelop the Xtra Lease trucking site into a 120-unit <br />hotel and freestanding restaurant without environmental review based <br />on the outlined in the staff report dated July 23, 2007: <br />1) Due to the nature and/or location of the proposed project, the pro- <br />j act may have the potential for significant environmental effects, <br />including but not limited to, site specific traffic impacts, contribu- <br />