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that, contrary to staff's report item 12.1.A.2, all the connections requested for <br />pedestrian connections and included. <br />In the published packet staff requests inclusion of the Design Principals as a <br />component of the PUD. The Design Principals they speak of address Twin Lakes <br />in general and can not be accomplished, in their totality, within any individual site. <br />It is also clear the Design Principals were never made a part of City code and <br />have not been required for approval for other projects in this area. <br />The project we propose is intended to serve the citizens and business community <br />of Roseville. During its construction I would expect it to employ and average of <br />50 - 60 people during its 12 month development. Upon opening, in addition to <br />the city's portion of the real estate taxes, it is projected to collect over $350,000 <br />per year in lodging tax. The restaurant is estimated to be worth about 2 million <br />dollars and will employ a large number of full and part time employees and <br />contribute to the local economy as well. Without your approval it is likely the site <br />will return to its approved use as a truck storage facility. <br />,. <br />Let me conclude my remarks by saying I believe this development would be a ~ <br />useful addition to the business' in Roseville so I hope you will approve these <br />applications. <br />Respectfully <br />John Livingston <br />Cent Ventures <br />Page2of2 <br />7/23/2007 <br />