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€~' is out• vierv of tine late of tPtis Cosnenissio€~/Co€araacittee/T'asR: f+at•ce? <br />The role of this committee is to review all aspects of the current Comprehensive <br />Plan n ~i,ht of Chang' tanceG and recommend chan~:es that would enhance <br />neighborhood livability protect our natural resources, promote safe convenient <br />transportation and a sustainable business/industrial. climate with the creation <br />of 'obs~su ortin' 1'vable wa es <br />C3ilrer Cotrrmetrfs: (Inchrdz crrzv fur~lh~~r irafor~~rt~ation potr~ rvouid likes t1~~~ Cih~ CourtciC to rorutider or <br />lher~X}•ot~ feel is r-~>lavcrrat to the appoirxtnaarrtyor~r ure .razkzr{g. I'cu nm~r also altacFr ether nrcri'ettcrls }you <br />,roudd like the (:~orsnc~l to considzr.) <br />I have vratched Roseville grow from a s;na11 village of corn fields <br />pith farms, and truck gardens to a ;nediam size city with the highest <br />square footaze of retail per population in 1'tinnesota and a wonder_ful.__ <br />Central Park and Nature Center. <br />Ten nessen GPa mina - Sarne or all the information that )ion are asked to provide is Bassi had by Store law as either private or <br />ron tidenl ial. Private data is uifrmnation drat generally ra~mot be given to tPre public bnl Corr be a,iven to Ure subjeel. ol'the dr>ta. <br />Con fidenfial data is in forma[ion Ihat generally carurot be given to either dre public or Ore subject of the data. <br />The Cig° of Roseville is collecting the information to determine gnrilihcations to serve on a Ci(izcn Adv~srmy Commission. <br />You are not lee;.iliy required to Jn~ovidc This infornration. However, ifyou do not supply the informsuiwr, you may vot serve on <br />a Ci(izerr \duisory Comvnission. <br />CJther persona or entities authorized bylaw to receive ttris information are City Cowrcil members statY, re_cidents of Rosevilli^ <br />arrd interested others. <br />1' understand that all information provided in this epplicatiorl except my telephone number s_ lax number and <br />email address, may be distributed by the City to the public including, but not lumitedto, Ding posted on the <br />City of Roseville website. 1 agree to waive env and all claims under the Minnesota Government Data <br />Practices Act, or any other applicable state arn~ federal law, that in env way related to the disseminationto the <br />public of intormation contained in tlvs application that would be classified as private under such laws. 1 <br />understand that I may contact the responsible autllorit}~ for the City ofRoseville ifI have any quesllon_s <br />regarding the public or private nature of the information provided. <br />1 understand that the City will not publish my phone or tax numbers ar email address without my authorization <br />and do hereby allow the <~ity t'o publish i check all that apply}. <br />X Noma telaplrone number __w°ork telephone number other telephone number <br />_- <br />X home {ax number ___ tax number <br />X home email address -work email address <br />'.~ ° September o, 2007 <br />Si~~n rtwe of Applicant Date of Apphc atron <br />_y,yhc~vav 63(lL'b <br />