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<br />INVESTMENT POLICY STATEMENT <br /> <br />PURPOSE <br /> <br />The purpose of this statement is to communicate a clear understanding of the Roseville Firefighter's Relief <br />Association Benefit Plan investment policies and objectives. This statement will outline an overall <br />philosophy that is specific enough to explain the plan's expectations, but sufficiently. flexible to allow for <br />changmg economic conditions and securities markets. The policy will provide realistic risk policies to <br />guide the Trustees toward long-term rate of return objectives, which will serve as standards for evaluating <br />investment performanee. The policy also will establish the investment restrictions to be placed upon the <br />Trustees, and will outline procedures for policy and perfonnance review. <br /> <br />RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUSTEES <br /> <br />The Trustees shall be fully responsible for the ongoing management and oversight of the Roseville <br />Firefighter's Relief Association Benefit Plan. These responsibilities include those fiduciary and <br />management obligations discussed in appropriate Minnesota Statutes. In addition, Trustees shall comply <br />with the following procedures: <br /> <br />Investments will be made for the sole interest and the exclusive purpose of providing the <br />optimal return within the risk constraints described herein. <br /> <br />· The assets must be invested WiÙ1 the care, skill and diligence that a prudent man acting <br />in this capacity would undertake. <br /> <br />· All investments will be made wiÙ1in Ù1e guidelines of quality, marketability and <br />diversifieation mandated by controlling statutes. <br /> <br />Investment authorization shall be given by either the President or Treasurer of the Relief <br />Association to the appropriate investment finn representative who will handle the <br />transaction. <br /> <br />OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN <br /> <br />The objectives of Ù1e plan should be pursued with a long-tenn time horizon in mind; that is to say, <br />greater than 10 years. It is designed to maximize the returns without exposure to undue risk, as defined <br />herein. Whereas it is understood that fluctuating rates of return are characteristic of the securities markets, <br />the Trustees' greatest coneern should be long-term appreciation of the assets, preservation of principal, <br />and consisteney of total portfolio returns. <br /> <br />1. The account's total expected return should exceed the Consumer Price Index by 3% <br />annually. Actual returns should exceed the expected return about half of the time. <br />Expected returns should exceed actual returns about half of the time. <br /> <br />2 <br />