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�,� ����°� �`���? �� � �# ��� ����� a <br />�e � I3r��t ���b���t� h��� ��b�ra��t�� � �r���+��I tc� �c�r�sir���� ��. �� f��� ��F �� �c�c�� (� �� �c�. fi,� <br />��;�����,� ����ssc���7 st ct��r� t��� va����d ���;r�ac� ;���� ��e c���€�r s�d� v��d ;��t�a�k <br />adj���n� ic� �v�r��� �1���, <br />�.� �v��i�� 1 �}��.i�16 (I��side�t�a� ���11�r�� ���n���si��s — �c� ��- Sici� ��rd ��t�a�k} af t�c <br />��s��,xi�1� ��ty C�d� rec�a��:r�� �l� stn�ct�a�°�s i� t�e s�� �Sa�k � z��ni �� c�f 34� fee� fra � <br />�� er s��e yard ac��aceni ic� a��z��ic stre��. <br />4.3 �'he c�ri�in�� pr�nczp�I si ct�r� canstr���t�d ir� 1948 lie� apprc�;��mat�Iy 2�J fee� frc� �1�� <br />corner sicle �rard prc���r�� Ii�e c�f�a�c� �'lac� �rtci ��as nc� atiac�ed c�r d�t�c��ed gar���. <br />"�h� ho e is c�rrentiv b�ing rn�prc�ve�1 ��i�� � secc�nd stc�r� �ddit�c�n an� i���er�or <br />s�c�i�cat�c�ns. <br />4.q. The prc�pc��al isa cc�nstr�zci a det�ched accessc�ry strizcture ZO feet frc�rn ihe properiy �ine <br />a�jace��t ic� �ancy �'lace i� a similar dista�ce fram t%e prc�perty ii�e as t��re� t��her <br />neighboring detachecl aecessary st ctt�res (�}�J1 CTrand��ie��r Av�nue, �}i}2 �c�unty �c�a� �2 <br />�nd 90� Z,avell �treei). <br />4e5 `I'he I��zt�ez-�v �roperfy �s 11.326 sq. �t. in ���;� affc�rdin� a nzaximu impervic�u� cc��rer��e <br />caf 3,398 sq. ft. �3asec� c�n i��e subm�tted si�e plan t1�e ��ty Planner h�� dete i�ed t1�at t�e <br />principa� struetur� is esti aied at 1,Oi}8 sq. ft., the deta�he� accessc�r}% s�r�z�ture (r�ar <br />�ard} �s �stim�teti at 12C� sq. fi,, and the ��is�ing dr��Te�v�y �s �stin�atecl �t 350 sq. f�. for a <br />tc�ia� �f 1,47� sc�, fta <br />4.F� ���e pr€�pc�sal tc� c�nsfr��c� � 576 sq. �i. de�achea acc�ssory struciure �garag�� �vi�h a 36(} <br />sc�. ft. (�sti�nated� driveway wc�uld �reate a pr�p€�sed iatal i�npervio�s �c�verage af 2,404 <br />sq. ft. well %�1ow i�at a�lc�wed by �he �iiy �c�d�. <br />5.0 �'I'��`� ������3'�'SJ���I�I��So- <br />�.1 �ectiaz� 1 C���.C316 req.uires a1� st�-uciur�s tc� be setb�ck � ini un� af 3� feet fra�� a ccr er <br />�ide y�rci prc�pe�y �ine. The existirg l�c� � lies ap�rc�x�nzai��y 2i} �`c�t �rcr�� the c�rt�er <br />si�e yard adjacent ic� �an�y P1ace and ihe r�ropc�sed detached accessc�ry str�ictii�°e �vaulct <br />I�� app�oxirr�atei� 15 feet fr€��n t�e �ancy �'lace �rc�p�rty ]ir�e, requiring a 1 S foot <br />�t�.F�IAi�C'�. <br />5.2 �`�e existing par�el has na attached ar detached garage. The ability to construct an <br />a��ached �arage on t��e �vest sgcie c�f the home ut�Iizing the existing driveway w4ulc3 <br />req�g�re a V�� I1�NC� as well and wot�Id limlt the struefure size to a ufic�th tess than 2�J <br />feet. Anather optian �s ta cortstruct t%e detached accessory structure �n the rear yarc� and <br />extend the driveway. �o�vever, this c�ption �nodified t�1e rear ya�-d in a manner �hat s��ifts <br />the back yard uses closer to I�Tancy Place. <br />PF3671_RVBA_090705-2- Page 2 of 5 <br />