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<br />R~~SOLm'ION NG. 196 <br /> <br />May, 1958, Revision <br /> <br />At a reE'ular meetinc of the Village Council of the Village of Rose'1i11e, <br />duly held on the 17th day of June 17, 1958, the fOnOHing Resolution was <br />offered by McGee, seconded by Hamrnersten; to-wi t: <br /> <br />[lftl i~RS^ S the V illRge of Ro seville has approved the plans and specHications <br />for the improvement of that part of Trunk Hip;hHay Number IJ 8 renumbered as Trunk <br />Highway Number 36 ..Ji thin the corporate limits of thp Village of Roseville from <br />the ..Jest countyline to 0.2 Eile west of Rice St. (T.B. 49); and <br /> <br />1tiliEBEAS in order to obtain Federal aid in the construction of said Trunk <br />Highway .~umber 118 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 36 the Bureau of Public <br />Roads requires the assurance that the Village of Roseville ",rill not suffer any <br />encroachment of any mture or kind I-vhatsopver on the right of way of said Trunk <br />llighway Number n8 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 36 wi thin the corporate <br />limits of said Village of Roseville; and <br /> <br />\~TifERfi:pS the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public <br />safety t.hat all parkinf::; of vehicles on said trunk hip:hway be pprallel 1rJi th the <br />curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk. <br /> <br />N01;{, THEN, BE IT RE.SOLVED that sain Village of Roseville 00es hereby agree <br />and covenant tJl"t it Hill never permit or suffer, vJithin its corporate limits, <br />a':\y encroachment of any kind vJhRtsoever, inclUdinG curb gas pumps ann gas stations, <br />billboarr3s or other structures of any kind vrlJatsoever, upon the rj Cht of TrJay of <br />Trunk Hirrhway Number 118 renumbered as Trunk Hic~hway Number 3(, ann to the Above <br />end sairl Village of Rosevil1e hereby agrees U}2t it Hill never issue any license, <br />permi t, or grant, or cive any leRve or liberty or any other consent of "l-rhatever <br />form for the construction or maintenance of any encropchment 1rJhatsoever, includinf': <br />curb pas pumps ann Z,gs stations, billboards or other structures of any kind <br />whatsoever, upon sairl riCht of W1Y; cmri tLat said Village of Roseville will <br />cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existinv encroachments constituting <br />traffic hazaros anrl l,;rill further t8ke any necessary Action to eli.rninDte any en- <br />croacrnnent that may hereafter 8yist on said trunl{ highway right of way; and <br /> <br />BE IT FUHTH~R RESOLVED that sairl Village of Roseville does hereby agree <br />to require the parking of all vehicles on said trunk hir:hway to be p8rallel HUh <br />the curb 2nd at least twenty (20) feet from any crosswalks on 211 public streets <br />intersectinrr said trunk highway lvi thin the corporate limHs of said VUlare of <br />Roseville. <br /> <br />Upon the call of the roll the fol101ving voted in favor of 1he Resolution: All <br /> <br />The following voted against its adoption: ~one <br /> <br />Dated <br /> <br />June 17th <br /> <br />1993 <br /> <br /> <br />decloreo-+(eGOlution aooPte(d. ~t <br /> <br /> <br />,'/ >--) \ <br />, ~-') CJ n .!\ '/6: ~. <br /> <br />!Nhereupon the ~la,yor and presiding officer <br />