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WHEREAS, the Ieveloper is willing to purchase property, within the Project Area such <br />property being legatly described in the attached E~Eubfiff A (the "Redevelopment Property") and <br />to develop the Redevelopment Property; <br />WHEREAS, the fee owner of the Redevelopment Property has placed various conditions <br />on the sale of the Redevelopment Property to the Developer which if not fidfilled will terminate <br />the sale and delay redevelopment; <br />WHEREAS, consistent with the Tax Increment Plan, the City has determined in the past <br />and continues to be willing, to provide financial and other assista~tce in accordance with the Act <br />and in the, best interests of the Ciry in order to achieve the development goals for the <br />development of Twin Lal:es including the Redevelopment Property; <br />WHEREAS, the Seller's land is necessary to the completion of the redevelopment of the <br />Project Area and the acquisition of such land has been and continues to be for a public purpose; <br />WHEREAS, in further pursuit of the public goal of redevelopment, the City has agreed to <br />use its power of eminent doroaiu to acquire such land as may be necessary to complete the <br />Redevelopment Project and convey the lands so acquired to a qualified the developer, including <br />the Redevelopment Property; <br />N®W,'I'IIEIbE~®RE, I3~ I'I' RE3®]LVIEID by the City of Roseville as follows: <br />The City defet'mines that the acquisition of the Redevelopment Property will serve <br />a public purpose. <br />3. The City does hereby find that it is reasonable, necessary, proper' and convenient, <br />and in theinterest of the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare, to <br />acquire fee title to such lands are necessary to develop the Redevelopment <br />Property as part of the Twin Lakes Project. <br />