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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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City of Roseville - HRA Minutes for May 16, 2006Page 5 of 6 <br />Mounds View School District Redevelopment Plan Discussion (HF0044) <br />Executive Director Bennett introduced John Maas from the Mounds View School District to provide <br />information regarding their plan for redevelopment of the district services center at 2959 Hamline <br />Avenue in Roseville. <br />John Maas thanked the HRA for allowing them to present their proposal for the site. Mounds View <br />district is experiencing declining enrollment and have vacated their district offices from 2959 Hamline <br />Avenue in Roseville. He noted that they and have put the property up for sale and selected a <br />developer for the site. He would like the HRA’s support in their effort to redevelop the site and their <br />difficulty in moving this forward due to property constraints. The site has contamination issues and <br />the District will take the responsibility for cleaning up the site prior to sale. They have worked closely <br />with the neighborhood and met with them three separate times and will be holding another <br />neighborhood meeting on May 30, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Roseville City Hall. <br />Mr. Maas provided a history of the site and the process to date. The land is currently zoned B-1 and <br />he provided a proposal of what could go on the site. He would prefer to downzone the site rather <br />than develop it as zoned. The comprehensive plan designates this site as low density residential. He <br />also noted that as part of the environmental cleanup there will likely be a negative impact on the <br />trees and shrubs on the property <br />Mr. Maas noted that the District has selected Bob Moser and Steve Zawadski to redevelop the site. <br />Mr. Moser provided a summary of their business and development background. They presented a <br />proposal for the site and noted that the plan is concept only. The proposal could accommodate <br />young families with children, similar to homes in the area and provide a proposal to keep the costs <br />down so that some of the homes could be for first time homebuyers. The target market would be for <br />teachers, firefighters, etc. The density would be higher than low-density residential so it would <br />require a comprehensive plan amendment. The concept elevation shown would be a smaller home <br />on smaller lots. <br />Member Kelsey asked about the densities which would be only 1-2 units more than low-density. She <br />asked what the land price points would be? ($100,000 for the lot with improvements). She also <br />asked what the final home price ranges. (estimate about $300,000 - $400,000 – house cost are <br />typically 2x-3x per lot price). <br />Member Millasovich asked about the contamination. Mr. Maas provided a summary on how the <br />previous owners who ran a press wash is the nature of the contamination. There is ground water <br />contamination on the site and they will make sure a clean-up plan is approved by the MPCA. He <br />clarified that the contamination has not gone to other home properties. <br />Member Bean asked how this project compares to the pricing at the Applewood project <br />Member Maschka felt that this was too dense and does not feel that this fits within the neighborhood <br />since the lots are much smaller than normal lot size. <br />Member Kelsey noted that if there is a much less dense plan, the HRA may not be able to help with <br />assistance on this site to enable the homes for first time buying families. She noted that density is <br />not a bad thing but that good design is important. She said that if the project is done right it can be a <br />huge benefit to the community and achieve the HRA goals for housing. <br />Resident Bob Willmus spoke regarding his concern on the density and would like to see the project <br />meet the low density requirement. He felt that the proposal is too small lot sizes. He noted that at the <br />HRA’s neighborhood meeting there was concerns about altering the neighborhood character and <br />this would alter the neighborhood character. <br />Member Maschka asked that demographic information be provided on the Owasso Hills <br />development regarding families with children for the planning commission and council as this moves <br />forward. <br />With no further comment, Chair Majerus thanked the Mounds View School District for the <br />information. <br /> <br /> <br />
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