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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/8/2014 1:44:00 PM
Creation date
3/20/2008 12:34:45 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
Meeting Date
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PUBIIC NOTICF; <br />NOT[GE OF PUBLIC HEARING O\i THE :$S UA,ttiCE OF RE�'�,,�UE <br />BONDS UNDER MIN�v'FSOTA STATL'T�,S, S�(,.'ITON$ 469.152 THROUGH <br />469165 1. aS A1�IENDED. ON BEHAI.� OF R05e�.11� <br />Cj�`Y OF RoseViIle. ?�'�'�'ESO?� <br />vOTICE IS HEREBY GJVEN that the City Co � �i,l� o,�the City of Rose�i}ie. MinneSota <br />(the "Ciry"�. �+ill meet on Monday. January 24. ?Op0 a��38 p.xtL at the City Hall. 2660 Civic <br />Center Drive. in �toseville, Minnesota for the putposc of conducring a public hearing on a proposal <br />tbat thc City approve and authorize the iasnance by the i"iry of Brainerci of its revenue notes ��e <br />"Notes'�, in one or more senes under thc Minnesrna Municipal IndusuiaJ DE�elopment Act . <br />Minnesota Statutes. Sections dC9152 through 469165. a�- anended (ti�� "�1ci'`, in ordsr �o finan� p <br />alI or a portion of the costs of computer equipment, motor �Khicles, and zed2 propet[y irnpro�emeiu; <br />(the "`Project") to be owned by Lutheran Secia} Service uf Mir►nesoLa, a nonprofit organi7.a,tion (the <br />'Bo�xOwet"}. a portion of which will be located in t#�e C:1y at 2250 VjCtOnd Street North. �1�1- <br />RoseYille. MN SSI13. and will be financ;,d witi; $Z0,7U�.Q4 of the proceeds of the Notes. T'ne <br />maximu�m 2�[egal.e principal amount of the proposed bor d ta�u� u$1,8Q0,()00. <br />The Notes w111 be special. limited vb�igat�ons of th� Ciry of 8rainerd and the I�oces ana <br />i�ttercSt thete0rl will be payable solely from thC reti enues 2nd a5sets pledged to the payment thereof. <br />No notes or other obligazions w�31 be issued by the City. jJc� holder of any Notes will ever h3ve the <br />right t� compel any exet�cise of the taxing power of the Ci�y to pay the Notes or the ince�5t thereon. <br />nor to enforte paymer�t against any properiy of titc City ex��gK monev pa,vab�c by rhe Borrawcr to <br />the City 3nd pledged to the pavment of the Notes. Befoc� issuing the Notes. the Ciry of Braincrci <br />will eater into an agreement �%ith the Borr�wer. whereby the Borrower wiJl be ohli�,�ied to ��.ti� <br />payraents at l�ast sufficieni at all rimes to pay the Frincigai of and interest on the Notes when due. <br />AU perSOnS interested tnap appear and be hearc� at the time and place S�t forth ab0�� or nay <br />file wnt(� comments �ith the City Clerk yrior to the date vf the `nearing set fvrth above. <br />Dated: ��te of �btiea3i�ar.,1 <br />CITY OF RoSez�tle, �liVNE$OTA <br />18A-d 50lEO'd 08Z-1 OlEB1EE+ p��ybg �,tQ3�,y�_wo�� lE�t� 6S-6Z-Zi <br />.-., •� ��. r-T nn .-, i ipr _. �. _7Tq7 XF-i �,je-;�1;�I��6� S! C�)�I 1:=!� <br />
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