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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/28/2008 4:02:07 PM
Creation date
3/28/2008 4:02:07 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 03, 2008 <br />Page 12 <br />lined. Mr. Koegler encouraged the public to attend and participate by providing <br />public feedback on the Comprehensive Plan ideas. <br />Mr. Koegler noted that he would return in mid-April with another City Council <br />update, at which time he would be seeking more City Council feedback. <br />Mr. Koegler noted that the process remained on schedule; however, advised that it <br />continued to be challenging, with the steering committee actively engaged in the <br />process, and eager to delve into detailed review and research of various issues, <br />creating additional challenges to stay consistently on schedule. Mr.. Koegler ad- <br />vised that he would alert the City Council to an potential modifications needed in <br />the schedule; however, noted that he didn't anticipate the Metropolitan Council`s <br />willingness to extend the deadline. <br />Councilmember Ihlan encouraged the public to attend the 5:30 p.m. Thursday, <br />March 27, 2008, open house, as well as attending the monthly steering committee <br />meetings to provide public comment. <br />Councilmember Roe also encouraged the public to attend the Open House or to <br />observe discussions at the steering committee level. <br />Community Development Director Trudgeon noted the number of Steering <br />Committee members attending tonight's City Council meeting. Mr. Trudgeon <br />noted that, in addition to the published notice of the upcoming Open House, those <br />property owners in specific focus areas, and the surrounding 500' were provided <br />mailed notice of the Open House. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff was attempting <br />to be cognizant of costs, while attempting to accomplish the project by deadline, <br />and noting the possible need for future discussions and City Council decision- <br />making if those options were necessary. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized Steering Committee members in attendance and <br />thanked them for their work and time commitment to the Comprehensive Plan <br />update. <br />b. Discussion of City Council Vacancies <br />Mayor Klausing noted the previous receipt of Councilmember Kough's letter re- <br />garding his possible early resignation from the City Council, depending on health- <br />related issues; and sought individual Councilmember comment on how they <br />wished to proceed, with Councilmember Kough being unable to attend tonight's <br />meeting, and the Council's previously-expressed desire to have Councilmember <br />Kough present for the discussion. <br />Councilmembers Pust and Roe concurred they preferred to hold discussion until <br />Councilmember Kough was able to be in attendance to express his views. <br />
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