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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/28/2008 4:02:07 PM
Creation date
3/28/2008 4:02:07 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 03, 2008 <br />Page 7 <br />of registration due to not completing registration data, exclusion of rentals to fam- <br />ily members, and inappropriate conduct and violations. <br />Mr. Trudgeon revised cost estimates from $50,000, which would have included <br />interior inspections, to an estimated $5,000 to accommodate staff time for mail- <br />ing, form creation and data entry; with the revenue depending on the determined <br />registration fee. Mr. Trudgeon advised that on a quick review by staff on non- <br />homesteaded properties in Roseville, there were 880 properties with 1-4 units; <br />however, he clarified that not all of those would be rentals, and he anticipated <br />more refined numbers for staff's next presentation, based on further review and <br />research. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned the proposed penalties (page 4, line 1) and <br />whether violations as a misdemeanor were excessive given the nature of a regis- <br />tration ordinance, rather than a licensing ordinance, and policy rationale for such <br />an amount. <br />City Attorney Squires noted that the penalty language may be a holdover from the <br />previous draft and suggested that, if it was City Council guidance to delete that <br />language with the purpose of pure information gathering to create a database, <br />misdemeanor fines may not be appropriate. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the language could remain; however opined that <br />with registration itself, fines as opposed to criminal sanctions seemed more ap- <br />propriate, similar to the recently-adopted animal licensing ordinance. <br />Discussion ensued regarding City Code violations in general being misdemeanors <br />with resulting penalties; and whether administrative penalties were more appro- <br />priate or would lack enforcement ability by staff. <br />City Attorney Squires clarified that a misdemeanor was more than an administra- <br />tive fine, and that the City's criminal attorney would have the ability to pursue <br />misdemeanor charges, with any given section of code potentially containing <br />criminal and/or civil ramifications. Mr. Squires noted that this section still has <br />reference to misdemeanors, and with that language, the City Council would have <br />the option to pursue such charges. <br />Councilmember Pust referenced the sample Mounds View sample ordinance, and <br />opined that she would prefer an administrative fine list of potential violations for <br />rental properties, with more definition of the specific responsibilities of an owner <br />or agent and that appropriate action (Page 4, Section 909). <br />Further discussion included tiered language for potential violations; method of <br />correction and responsibility of the owner; number of violations within a certain <br />
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