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3. Notice: Any officer of the Police Department or any other person employed by the City, <br />authorized under Section 102.2 of this Code shall, upon determining that there has been a <br />violation of ordinance or Code, notify the violator or, in the case of a vehicular violation, <br />attach to the vehicle a notice of the violation. Said notice shall set forth the nature, date and <br />time of violation, the name of the official issuing the notice, the amount of the scheduled <br />penalty and required compliance actions, if applicable. <br />4. Recovery of Administrative Costs: The owner of the premises, where an administrative <br />offense ticket has been issued by the City' Community Development Department, shall be <br />personally liable for the cost of the City for inspection of said property and administrative <br />costs as allowed per Minnesota Statute 429.101. Staff shall prepare a bill for the cost and <br />mail it to the owner. The amount shall be immediately due and payable at the office of the <br />City Manager. <br />5. Notice Contestation and Hearing: Any person contesting an administrative offense may, <br />within seven (7) days of the time of issuance of the notice, request, in writing, a hearing. <br />The Hearing Officer shall forthwith conduct an informal hearing to determine if a violation <br />has occurred. The Hearing Officer shall have authority to dismiss the violation or reduce or <br />waive the penalty. If the violation is sustained by the Hearing Officer, the violator shall pay <br />the penalty imposed. <br />6. Hearing Officer: The City Manager shall be the hearing officer. The hearing officer is <br />authorized to hear and determine any controversy relating to administrative offenses <br />provided for in this Section. <br />7. Payment of Penalty: Once notice is given, the alleged violator must pay the specified fine <br />within seven (7) days of the time of issuance of the notice, unless contesting the notice <br />pursuant to Subsection 5 of this Chapter. The amount of the fine shall be set forth on the <br />schedule of penalties for the violation as adopted by the City Council. The penalty maybe <br />paid in person or by mail and payment shall be deemed to be an admission of the violation. <br />8. Failure to Pay Penalty and/or Administrative Costs: In the event a party charged with an <br />administrative offense fails to pay the penalty when due, a misdemeanor or petty <br />misdemeanor charge maybe brought against the alleged violator in accordance with <br />applicable statutes. In the event a party does not pay the monetary penalty and/or <br />administrative costs, the City may seek to collect the costs of the administrative offense <br />procedures per Section 407.07 and/or 906 of this Code. <br />a. If the penalty and/or administrative cost is unpaid, the city manager shall, on or before <br />September 1, list the total unpaid charges along with all other such charges, as well as <br />other charges for current services to be assessed under Minnesota Statute 429.101 <br />against each separate lot or parcel to which the charges are attributable. The City <br />Council may then spread the charges against such property under that statute and other <br />pertinent statues for certification to the County Auditor and collection along with current <br />taxes the following year, or in annual installments not exceeding 10, as the City Council <br />may determine in each case. <br />2 <br />