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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 12, 2008 <br />Page 16 <br />b. Consider Fire Department Supervisor Position <br />This item was removed from tonight's agenda at the request of City Manager Ma- <br />linen. <br />13. Business Items -Presentations, Discussions <br />a. Presentation of Audited Financial Statements <br />City Finance Director Chris Miller introduced Jim Eichten of the City's inde- <br />pendent auditor firm: Malloy, Montague, Karnowski and Radosevich and Com- <br />pany, P.A. <br />Mr. Eichten presented and summarized the "Comprehensive Annual Financial <br />Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007;" the Management Report for <br />the city of Roseville, MN -December 31, 2007;" and the "Special Purpose Audit <br />Reports on Internal Controls and Compliance with Laws and Regulations;" all <br />based on recent revisions to review standards and monitoring standards of the <br />Minnesota State Auditor, federal regulations, and other applicable regulatory bod- <br />ies. <br />Mr. Eichten specifically reviewed the Management Report and findings, all re- <br />lated to new accounting standards, and spoke to each finding. Specific findings <br />included; internal control criteria, conditions, causes, effects, recommendations, <br />and management responses to payroll segregation of duties; skating center segre- <br />gation of duties; capital assets internal controls; reimbursable contract costs inter- <br />nal controls; Minnesota legal compliance audit (payment of invoices; claims dec- <br />laration; and collateral). <br />Discussion between Mr. Eichten, City Finance Director Chris Miller, and Coun- <br />cilmembers included role and responsibility of each party in addressing recom- <br />mendations and/or correcting findings; and the need for formal, written account- <br />ing standards, not a current practice of most cities, with staff having spent consid- <br />erable time to-date in developing those procedures and defining them for future <br />staff to follow, and allowing for cross-training. Mr. Eichten clarified that the pro- <br />cedures were still in draft form, pending their formal presentation to the City <br />Council in the near future. Mr. Eichten commended staff in their development of <br />the written accounting procedures; and the amount of thought staff had given to <br />information technology contingency planning to-date, recommending further re- <br />finement and formal documentation for alternative processing in the event of loss <br />or interruption of IT functions. <br />Mr. Miller advised that the process had been initiated, but was not yet completed; <br />with Mr. Eichten opining that the City was further along that many cities in this <br />contingency planning process. <br />