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City Council Meeting Minutes
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6/13/2008 10:18:49 AM
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6/13/2008 10:18:48 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 19, 2008 <br />Page 13 <br />ber Kough's choice. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that arguments ex- <br />pressed by her fellow Councilmembers about incumbency impact of "king- <br />maker/caretaker" candidates were irrelevant and without merit. Councilmember <br />Ihlan opined that Ms. Schaffer and other applicants, had a right to run for elected <br />office; and further opined that a "lame duck" appointee was not democratic and <br />would make important Council votes, without accountability to the public. Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan opined that some members of the City Council seemed to think <br />that they knew better who should best serve on the City Council; and that such an <br />opinion was just plain wrong. Councilmember Ihlan advocated for the most de- <br />mocratic process; opining that the "kingmaker" comments were a smokescreen, <br />and would only serve to promote a political appointment of friends of Council- <br />members on a 3/1 vote. <br />Councilmember Pust noted her previous list of qualities that she'd be looking for <br />in an interim appointee. Councilmember Pust specifically addressed the motion <br />for appointment of Karen Schaffer to the position, acknowledging Ms. Schaffer's <br />attendance at tonight's meeting. Councilmember Pust noted Ms. Schaffer's <br />commitment to public service as being without reproach; her proven leadership <br />abilities; and her obvious personal connection to and passion for Roseville. <br />Councilmember Pust addressed comments of Councilmember Ihlan regarding <br />what Tom Kough would do; but opined that Councilmember Ihlan was not the <br />only Councilmember who had views on what former Councilmember Kough <br />would do or his representation of the community. <br />Without divulging the author, Councilmember Pust shared an e-mail she'd re- <br />ceived earlier tonight regarding the appointment process and read it for the City <br />Council and public's information, with the author noting interesting discussions, <br />past City Council vacancies, and recognizing that no one choice was going to <br />make everyone happy regardless of the process used; and noting that democracy <br />at the local level was not always pretty. The author further opined that former <br />Councilmember Tom Kough always championed the City and voted for what he <br />thought was best and represented the best solution for the majority of the commu- <br />nity; and that even while noting that some would disagree with his vote, he didn't <br />hold that against them, but respected them. Councilmember Pust concluded her <br />reading of the a-mail with the author's desire for the best person to fill the va- <br />cancy, putting the City first; and expressing the author's faith in the City Council <br />and opining that they'd do their best to evaluate all, and encouraged them to select <br />the "cream of the crop" to fill the interim vacancy. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed her agreement with the author of the a-mail, a <br />Roseville citizen, and opined that citizens had elected her to do what she thought <br />was best. Councilmember Pust, with respect for Ms. Schaffer's great qualities, <br />opined that it would not be in the best interest of the City to appoint someone in- <br />tending to run in the municipal election this fall, thus providing them with an in- <br />cumbent advantage in that election, and thus interfering in the public process. <br />
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