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CITY OF ROSEYq.LE immediately due and payable at the Treasurer and may be deposlted in the <br />ORDIi!IAMCE h1Q,.1.. ,- office of the City Manager. <br />Ncttoe Contestation and Hearing: <br />5 City's general fund. <br />11. Offenses and Penalties: Offenses <br />AN OpQMM1NCEl1MIN4 <br />~ ~ <br />~ <br />~ ' . <br />. <br />Any peraorr oorttesdng an administrative that may be charged as adminietrattvs <br />' <br />' <br />SECTION 103: (isnsrsl fseneF~gr offgrtesk-tffay; wldMrt sevsrt (~ days of <br />~ time ~ iesiranoe of the notice offenses are irSfractions to the City <br />Code. Monetary penalties associated <br />THE CITY OF RO;aEVIWE OROp(N$: <br />Section"fft2 of the <br />BECTIQN 1:.7911e 1 , <br />r ~ In , wrlti a The ' <br />~ ~~ headng. wtth offenses shall be identified in the <br /> <br />' <br />, <br />Roseyilw City Cods ie amsndad to rid Headng OBloer shell forthwhh <br />an. informal heafiq tp determine 'IF a s fee schedule. <br />-City <br />12. Subsequent Offenses: In the event <br />asfdlows: <br />3ECTIQN; <br />- vioiati~t has oawrrod. The Hearing a party is charged with a subsequent <br />. <br />102.Ot l3enerai Penalty Offkxr stlwti fNOre authority tc dismiss administrative offense within an <br />02 . Issuance of Ordinance <br />102 ms vlr~don or ~~ or ~~ ~ eighteen (18) month period for the same <br />. <br />Vblation Summons penalty. If the violation is sustaMed by or substantially similar offense, the <br />103.QY. GENERAL PENALTY: ~ Hearng OHber, the violatcx .shall subsequent administrative penally shall <br />A: denerel Offense: Unless otiterrvlse <br />provided in City Code .any, parser PaY the penalty imposed: <br />8.'tie~ring Otffcer: The City AAanager <br />' be increased by one hundred percent <br />(100%) above the previous <br />violating any provision of tits City Code hearing offkJer. The hearing <br />sltallbe the <br />officer is authorized tp hear and administrative penalty. The Oily attall <br />only increase the penally twice within <br />shall be guilty pf a misdemeanor and, <br />upon convbtion thereof, shall be ,determine any t:ontroversy relatklg to this period.(Ord. 1134, 1-24-94) <br />punished by a fine rwt to exceed one .administrative offenses provided for in <br />this Section. SECTION 2: Effective date. This <br />ordinance shall take effect Upon its <br />thousand dollars (31,000.00), or by <br />imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) 7. Payment of Penalty: Once notice is passage grid publication. <br />or both, or any. different amounts <br />days gNen, the alleged violator must pay the Passed by the City Courtcii of the -City <br />, <br />adopted by statute. in either case the <br />, specified fine within given (7) days of <br />the notice <br />the time of issuance of of Roseville this 21st day of April, 2008. <br />BY: Crelg D. Klausing, Mayor <br />costa of ~ may ~ a~~ <br />9-25-89; amd. 1995 Code) <br />(Ord. 1067 , <br />, <br />unless contesting the notice pursuant to ATTEt3T: William J. Malfnen, <br />, <br />B~ Petty Misdemeanor Offense: A petty Subsecton 5 of this Chapter. The <br />anwunt of the fine shall be set forth on City Manager <br />~ M.S.A. §§412.231, 609.033(3), <br />misdemeanor offense is an offense <br />which is prohibited by statute whk:h the schedule of penalties for the 609.033 and 609.034 <br />does 'not constitute a crime and is violation as adopted k1y the. City Council. ' M.S.A. §609.0332 <br />'classified as a petty misdemeanor for The ~~~ may ~ ~~ ~ ~~n or by (Roseville Review: May 13, 2008) <br />yvhich a serrtence of a fine of not more malt and :payment slteN be deemed to . <br />than flues hundred dollars (3300:00) or be an admission of the vklation. <br />any different amounts adopted by 8. Failure to Pay' Penalty and/or <br />statute may: be imposed. (19gS Code) AdmMletrative. Costs: In ttte -event a <br />C. Admir>jMrajive Offense;. , pe1'lY ~ar9ed wNt an administrative <br />1. Purpose: Administrative offense offense faits to:pay the penalty when <br />procedures, eatabllihed pursuant to this due, a misdemeanor or petty <br />misdemeanor: charge may. be brought <br />Section, a+gss mterxJad to provide tits City <br />with aQ attematlve to~tradifional criminal . against the altegsd violator in <br />charges for :'violations' of certain accordance vvitit ~• In <br />ordinance provieibns. the event a party does not pay the <br />2. ~: ~ monetary penalty and/or. administrative <br />a. Administrative Offense: A violation of - ~ ~ ~ may ~~ to coltect the <br />a provision Ot this Code that to subject to costs of .the administrattve offense <br />' <br />penalties set forth in <br />the administrative and/or <br />Drocedures per Section 407.07 <br />. <br />the schedule of offenses and penalties' <br />SUbsection 11, hereafter; <br />referred to in 906 of this Code. <br />a. If the penalty and/or administrative <br />. <br />and which .may or may rat have ~ is unpaid, the city manager shall, <br />associated compliance requkements. ~ or before September 1, list the total <br />3. Nbtice: Any officer of the Police unpaid charges along with all other such <br />Department or any other person charges, ~ well as other charges for <br />employed by the City, authorized under current services to be assessed under <br />Section 102.2 of this' Code ahaN, upon Minnesota Statute 429.101 against <br />determining that there has been a each ~~®~ or parcel to which the <br />vblation~of ordinance or Code, notiy the charges are attributable. The Gity <br />vk9ator or, in the case of d veMoular Council may then spread the charges <br />violation, attach to tits vehicle a notk:e against such-Properly under that statute <br />of the violation. Said notice shah 'set and other pertinent 'statues for <br />certification to the County Audltor and <br />forth the nature, date and time of <br />violation, the name of the official Issuing cotlection along with current taxes the <br />the notice, the amount of the scheduled folbwing year, or in annual installments <br />penalty and required compliance .not exceeding 10, as the Cily Council <br />actions; lt applicable. may determine In each case. <br />4. Recovery of Administrative Costs: 9. Failure to Comply: If a violation <br />The owner of the premises, where. an requires cxxfe compNance wthin a set <br />admMistrative offense ticket has been period of time and the rompliance, does <br />by 'the City' Community <br />issued ~ cur by the deadlihe spedfied, the <br />, <br />Development Department, shall be ~ may millets an abatement process, <br />persorraly liable for the coat of the City ~ provided imChepter 407 of the Clty <br />for inapedion of said prop6rty and Code, and/or charge the party with a <br />administrative costs as allowed per <br />Minnesota Statute 429.101. Staff shall ~n~ DispoosRbn of ~ Penalties: All <br /> <br />prepare a bill for the cost and mail lt tp penalties collected pursuant to this <br />the owner. The amount shall be Section shall be paid to the City <br />