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ORDINANCE NO. 1367 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. <br />r, SECTIQN 3~1QiQ.03(B) <br />S(~1i PERNMITSyNbT REQUIRED <br />THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Purpose: The Roseville <br />City Code, Title 10, Section 4998 <br />1010.03 B (Sign Permits - Not <br />Required) is hereby amended to clarify <br />signs affixed to City owned light poles. <br />SECTION 2. Section 4998 1010.03 is <br />hereby amended, by adding a rew <br />subpart 14 as follows: <br />14. Signs which are affixed fo City- <br />owned fight Doles or standards which <br />contain information advertisingthe Citv <br />itself or CiN events provided the signs <br />are located in non-residential areas. <br />have l~gQaoved by the C' Council <br />and Citv Pub( Works- Director or the <br />Director's deaidnee. <br />SECTION 3. 'Effective Date. This <br />ordinance amendment to the Roseville <br />City Code shall take effect. upon <br />passage and publication. <br />Passed this 12th day of May, 2008 <br />(Roseville Review: June 10, 2008) <br />