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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/12/2008 12:50:29 PM
Creation date
9/12/2008 12:50:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 25, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />Mayor Klausing thanked the Foundation for their ongoing work and scheduling of <br />events at Central Park; and specifically thanked Ms. Nygaard and Mr. Shardlow <br />for their attendance at tonight's meeting. <br />On a personal note, Mayor Klausing opined his support for such a needed im- <br />provement and his interest in the project moving forward. However, Mayor <br />Klausing noted the problem of funding, specifically given levy limits and budget <br />constraints currently facing the City Council over the next three years at a mini- <br />mum; in addition to balancing needs of the Park and Recreation system with those <br />needs throughout the City. Mayor Klausing opined that he didn't want to advo- <br />cate removing the facility from discussion and consideration and relocating funds <br />elsewhere; and noted that if funding sources could be identified, such a facility <br />would make the Arboretum a more user-friendly facility, and would enhance us- <br />age and fees. <br />Ms. Nygaard concurred that such a permanent facility would create an enhanced <br />revenue stream, specifically for weddings by providing a changing or preparation <br />area for the bridal party; and suggested that building the facility in phases, starting <br />with restrooms; or providing space for a coffee shop for a vendor would also in- <br />crease revenues and usage. <br />Mr. Shardlow distributed a bench handout providing a suggested design and ele- <br />vation for such a facility. <br />Councilmember Willmus mentioned several members of the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission have questioned how we will pay for ongoing maintenance <br />and ongoing support of the facility. Do you think this is something that could be <br />a potential revenue generator? <br />Ms. Nygaard advised that consideration of a coffee/gift shop utilizing their current <br />caterer was being considered, with part of that venue being their provision of <br />cleaning the facility to reduce costs for the Foundation and City. <br />Mayor Klausing asked whether a business model, including the coffee shop or gift <br />shop, had been updated and whether specific information was available on poten- <br />tial fees that may eventually cover initial construction costs. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that staff had not completed an extensive business <br />model to determine whether the facility could eventually pay for itself through in- <br />creased user fees and/or rentals; noting that the major concern at a staff level was <br />tapping reserves, when items identified in the CIP were not fully funded. Mr. <br />Malinen suggested that further analysis by staff would need to be completed to <br />determine whether fees could cover debt service; and further consideration of ini- <br />
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