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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/20/2008 2:02:29 PM
Creation date
10/20/2008 1:56:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 08, 2008 <br />Page 20 <br />Councilmember Willmus questioned if Mr. Cann had been in contact with U.S. <br />Bank, and if so, what their response had been. <br />Mr. Cann responded that he had written several letters to the owner's attorney, <br />and had not received any responses to-date. <br />Councilmember Ihlan provided her interpretation of the regulatory agreement <br />signed by the Mayor and City Manager on behalf of the City, and opined that the <br />City had authority, under the terms of enforcement, and a responsibility under the <br />agreement and under State Statute to make sure the agreement and restrictions <br />were followed. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that, at a minimum, the City <br />Council needed information to fully investigate the situation. Councilmember Ih- <br />lan sought further documentation from staff and/or the developer, including status <br />to the IRS and MHFA by the developer for applying for tax credits, and what time <br />the City had remaining for an investigation if the credits had yet to be issued. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that it was her preference that the situation could be <br />discussed among all parties to reach resolution. Councilmember Ililan opined that <br />her personal intent in approving the bond issue was to maintain affordable hous- <br />ing in the community; further opining that she had no idea that the action would <br />involve current tenants losing their homes, in addition to the developer receiving a <br />substantial fee. Councilmember Ihlan opined that, since the City was the issuer of <br />the tax exempt bonds, the least they could do was to enforce compliance. <br />Councilmember Ihlan proposed action steps for the City Council consisting of a <br />careful review of the regulatory agreement; additional application documents and <br />information as previously referenced; and contact with the MHFA to determine <br />the status of tax credits. <br />Councilmember Pust, based upon her review and Councilmember Willmus obser- <br />vations of language on pages 3 and 4 of the agreement, opined that the City had <br />some obligation to monitor compliance, either by the City Council or through the <br />MFHA. <br />Councilmember Roe sought additional information on who was responsible for <br />monitoring compliance, staff or consultants; and sought to better understand the <br />process. Councilmember Roe suggested a review by the HRA Executive Director <br />and staff, working with the City's legal counsel, rather than the City Council con- <br />ducting the investigation. Councilmember Roe opined that staff should perform <br />the investigation at the direction of the City Council, and report to the City Coun- <br />cil with their findings. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the City Council was ultimately responsible for <br />the compliance issue, as the bond issuing authority, and requested a clear picture <br />of the City's authority and sufficient documentation provided to determine the <br />next step. <br />
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