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Margaret Driscoll <br />From: <br />Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:01 AM <br />To: p~ `RVCouncil; Margaret Driscoll; Bill Malinen <br />Subject: HarMar/Wendy Online Form Submittal: Contact City Council <br />The following form was submitted via your website: Contact City Council <br />Subject: October 13th council meeting <br />Name:: Wendy <br />Address:: ~e <br />City:: Roseville <br />State: MN <br />Zip:: 55113 <br />How would you prefer to be contacted? Remember to fill in the corresponding contact <br />information.: No Reply Necessary <br />Home Phone Number:: <br />Daytime Phone Number:: ~~ <br />Email Address:: <br />Please Share Your Comment, Question or Concern: I am asking you, as a Roseville City <br />council member to refuse to change the Roseville comprehensive plan to allow retail stores <br />larger than 100,000 sq. ft. to be allowed in areas designated" Community Business." To <br />take away this limitation opens the-door to large scale retail in areas that are not <br />equipped to handle stores of this size. Just drive by Har Mar some weekend and see what <br />the traffic is like and this is without a big box at the site! Take a look at the <br />traffic on Highway 36 and Highway 35W and picture this increased by 15,000 additional cars <br />per day (this figure is from previous estimates when a big box was being considered at <br />Twin Lakes). <br />I am also asking that you leave the current Twin Lakes Master plan in place and do not <br />change .the Comprehensive plan to allow changes to occur with a 3/2 vote instead of the 4/1 <br />vote. It is important to protect Langton Lakes and the surrounding residential areas from <br />such large unnecessary developments and you - as our elected officials should be listening <br />to residents and not developers. To go under the table and change the Twin Lake Master <br />plan so now the council can do whatever they want with a 3/2 vote just shows where the <br />majority of the council members priorities are. You were elected to represent the <br />citizens of Roseville not developers. These large developments do not benefit Roseville <br />residents/taxpayers. The big boxes being proposed will not create jobs that pay a <br />livable wage. They will only increase the infrastructure costs for the taxpayers. More <br />police, street improvements, fire protections, frustration from sitting even longer on the <br />freeways and stree <br />is in the area due. to increased traffic, will make this a great deal for the developer <br />and a poor one for the residents who live in the area. Where is the affordable housing, <br />businesses paying livable wages and increased park land/community centers that would <br />benefit the public who bear the cost for these changes. <br />Please consider the residents first when you vote tonight. The people in these areas will <br />bear the true cost as they struggle to deal with increased traffic, increased <br />noise/exhaust pollution and decreased property values. <br />Thank you for your time. <br />Wendy Thompson <br />