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SECTION 11 <br />INSURANCE <br />11.1 Required Coverage. The Association shall obtain and maintain, at a <br />minimum, a master policy or policies of insurance in accordance with the insurance <br />requirements set forth in the Act and the additional requirements set forth herein, issued <br />by a reputable insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the state of <br />Minnesota, as follows: <br />11.1.1 Property insurance in broad form covering risks of physical loss in <br />an amount equal to one hundred percent of the insurable "replacement cost" of the <br />Property, less deductibles, exclusive of land, footings, excavation and other items <br />normally excluded from coverage (but including all building service equipment <br />and machinery). The Association may or may not insure the improvements and <br />betterments referred to in Section S15B.3-113(b)(i) through (vii) of the Act as <br />determined by the Board. The policy or policies shall cover personal property <br />owned by the Association. The policy or policies shall also contain "Inflation <br />Guard" and "Agreed Amount" endorsements, if reasonably available. <br />11.1.2 Commercial general liability insurance covering the use, operation <br />and maintenance of the Common Elements, with minimum limits of one million <br />dollars per occurrence, against claims for death, bodily injury and property <br />damage, and such other risks as are customarily covered by such policies for <br />projects similar in construction, location and use to the Property. The policy shall <br />contain a "severability of interest" endorsement which shall preclude the insurer <br />from denying the claim of an Owner or Occupant because of negligent acts of the <br />Association or other Owners or Occupants. <br />11.1.3 Fidelity bond or insurance coverage against dishonest acts on the <br />part of directors, officers, managers, trustees, employees or persons responsible <br />for handling funds belonging to or administered by the Association, if deemed to <br />be advisable by the Board or required by the regulations of any financing-related <br />institution as a precondition to the purchase, insuring, guarantee, or financing of a <br />mortgage on a Unit. The fidelity bond or insurance shall name the Association as <br />the named insured. An appropriate endorsement to the policy to cover any persons <br />who serve without compensation shall be added if the policy would not otherwise <br />cover volunteers, or a waiver of defense based upon the exclusion of persons <br />serving without compensation shall be added. <br />11.1.4 Workers' Compensation insurance as applicable and required by <br />law. <br />11.1.5 Directors and officers liability insurance with such reasonable <br />limits and coverages as the Board shall determine from time to time. <br />20 <br />