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14.7 Enforcement by Owners. The provisions of this Section shall not limit or <br />impair the independent rights of other Owners to enforce the provisions of the Governing <br />Documents, the Rules and Regulations, and the Act as provided therein. <br />SECTION 15 <br />AMENDMENTS <br />15.1 Approval Requirements. This Declaration may be amended only by the <br />approval of: <br />15.1.1 The Board; and <br />15.1.2 Owners of Units to which are allocated at least sixty-seven percent <br />of the total votes in the Association. <br />15.2 Procedures. Approval of the Owners may be obtained in writing or at a <br />meeting of the Association duly held in accordance with the Bylaws. Any amendment <br />shall be subject to any greater requirements imposed by the Act. The amendment shall be <br />effective when recorded as provided in the Act. An affidavit by the Secretary of the <br />Association as to the outcome of the vote, or the execution of the foregoing agreements <br />or consents, shall be adequate evidence thereof for all purposes, including without <br />limitation, the recording of the amendment. <br />SECTION 16 <br />RIGHTS OF MORTGAGEES <br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Governing Documents, but <br />subject to the Act or other laws, Mortgagees shall have the following rights and <br />protections: <br />16.1 Consent to Subdivision. No Unit may be partitioned or subdivided <br />without the prior written approval of the Owner and the mortgagee thereof, and the <br />Association. <br />16.2 Np Right of First Refusal. The right of an Owner to sell, transfer or <br />otherwise convey his or her Unit shall not be subject to any right of first refusal or similar <br />restrictions. <br />16.3 Pr}ority of Lien. Any Person who comes into possession of a Unit by <br />foreclosure of the first mortgage on a Unit, or by deed or assignment in lieu of <br />foreclosure of the first mortgage on a Unit, takes the Unit free of any claims for unpaid <br />Assessments or any other charges or liens imposed against the Unit by the Association <br />which have accrued against such Unit prior to the acquisition of possession of the Unit by <br />28 <br />