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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/30/2008 2:00:54 PM
Creation date
10/30/2008 2:00:53 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 20, 2008 <br />Page 11 <br />Councilmember Roe also requested information, if the apparent lowest bidders <br />did not fall into the panel's top three ranking, discussion or rational as to why they <br />didn't make it, and knowledge of that differential. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, for future discussion, opined that if incumbent firms were <br />reappointed, input from the public, staff and individual Councilmembers be con- <br />sidered, similar to a new applicant's job performance satisfaction rate, and similar <br />to discussions held in 2005 as part of this process. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that future discussion consider whether or not to hold a <br />public hearing prior to appointment and/or reappointment. Mayor Klausing <br />opined that public input was not part of the attorney hiring process. <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that, at some point, contracts with the chosen <br />firms be restructured; and that they provide for financial incentives for the appli- <br />cant and the City for the duration of those contracts; and that they be based on <br />performance tools established in the contract to make financial incentives eco- <br />nomically viable for the firm, as well as providing the City with the most cost- <br />effective and beneficial terms for legal services. Councilmember Pust offered to <br />meet with City Manager Malinen to discuss contract terms. <br />Further discussion included structuring of retainers; and terms of existing con- <br />tracts with ability for extension if necessary. <br />12. Consider 2009 Staff Insurance Benefits Renewals and City Contributions <br />Human Resources Director Eldona Bacon summarized the Request for Council <br />Action dated October 20, 2008 for consideration of 2009 City Benefits Insurance <br />Renewals and Cafeteria Contributions, and detailed analysis. <br />Discussion included impacts to employees and increased costs for employees and <br />the City; single and family options and out-of-pocket costs; number insured, in- <br />cluding employees, dependents, and retirees; and opt-out options and payments <br />and advantages to the City. <br />Roe moved, Ihlan seconded, approval of the 2009 employee insurance programs <br />and fund allocation as detailed in the Request for Council Action dated October <br />20, 2008, with respective contracts, pending review and approval by the City At- <br />torney. <br />Councilmember Roe observed that many private sector employers did not allow <br />employees much input as to their benefits; and expressed appreciation to City <br />staff for their interest and involvement in annually reviewing and improving cov- <br />erage options, without only looking to their self interests. <br />
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