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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />Page 15 <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with the comments that it was not good policy to ex- <br />clude the public in decision-making, but noted the numerous ways the public had <br />access to voice their opinions to the City Council and the length of time this issue <br />had been debated. Mayor Klausing however, disagreed with the opinion that <br />unless the City Council went to the public with every decision the Council was <br />not involving the public. Mayor Klausing noted that the public had provided their <br />comments through several different opportunities, and their support of environ- <br />mental and green development, and their support of community assets such as the <br />OVAL. Mayor Klausing opined that the public expected the City Council to ex- <br />ercise good decision-making and judgment, not timidity. Mayor Klausing opined <br />that there was not advantage to waiting; and recognized the proposal recom- <br />mended by staff, offering his support of the project. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with the majority of Mayor Klausing's comments. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that, while it may seem prudent to wait for a year and <br />go before the voters with a bond referendum, he saw no indication that costs <br />would be reduced next year, and that by waiting a year, costs could further esca- <br />late. Councilmember Roe noted that this was for maintaining and enhancing an <br />existing facility, rather than a new facility of addition, and that staff had identified <br />costs and provided a funding mechanism for the project. Councilmember Roe <br />opined that the City Council needed to be careful that they remained stewards of <br />• taxpayer money and avoid cost increases; noted the potential risk with a possible <br />breakdown with existing equipment; or temporary replacement of the chiller and <br />those costs, in addition to potential cost increases by waiting another year, he <br />spoke in support of moving forward with the proposed funding plan. <br />Roe moved, Klausing seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10633 entitled, <br />"Resolution Authorizing the Funding Plan for the Replacement of the Arena Re- <br />frigeration System." <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the City could wait until next year to determine <br />the parameters of risks; that full costs were unknown for completion of the entire <br />project; precise risks were unknown; that indications were that operating the ex- <br />isting system could continue for one more year with funds available for any an- <br />ticipated repairs. Councilmember Ihlan noted the need for inclusion of this item <br />in the CIP to provide rationale for taxpayers and to determine how it fit into other <br />CIP priorities. Councilmember Ihlan, while supporting the overall project, opined <br />that she didn't feel this was the right thing for the City Council to commit to at <br />this time; but that by waiting a year, more pieces would be in place, and provide <br />additional opportunity for public comment. <br />Councilmember Willmus noted the minimal difference in the costs fora conven- <br />tional system and geothermal replacement for the arena; and further noted that <br />one year ago, the City Council made a conscious decision to go with geothermal, <br />and that the current system at the arena had been patched up to keep it running. <br />