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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />Page 21 <br />UPA funding was to alleviate traffic on I-35W overall. Mr. Jones noted that UPA <br />prerequisites and considerations for sites were based on location, user capacity <br />and service, and availability of land for sale or redevelopment that would be con- <br />ducive to a new facility. Mr. Jones reviewed in detail ridership survey informa- <br />tion; proposed use of County Road C to route traffic to the proposed new location; <br />access to and from the site for buses and customers; contact with several property <br />owners in the Twin Lakes area and the unavailability of most of those properties <br />in proposed development projects, with the exception of the Old Dominion site <br />and ultimate coordination with Cent Ventures in securing some of the property <br />and their flexibility in a development plan over the last 6 - 8 months of discus- <br />sions. Mr. Jones noted that the Met Transit would propose to pay for construction <br />of Iona, with the proposed structure located on the northeast corner of the prop- <br />erty and eventual access on Iona, while current use would be accessed on Cleve- <br />land Avenue. <br />Mr. Jones reviewed the conceptual Site Plan; noting that keeping the structure's <br />footprint as small as possible on the 1.27 acre site was important, in addition to <br />realizing the tax issues for the City, and anticipated a capacity of 400-450 spaces <br />in a 3 level ramp. Mr. Jones reviewed exterior elevations from other Park and <br />Ride sites recently constructed in Minnetonka; Brooklyn Park; Coon Rapids; and <br />in Bloomington near the Mall of America. Mr. Jones expressed willingness to <br />• work with staff to come up with compromises as to aesthetics and function for all <br />parties. <br />Discussion included the process in Twin Lakes for a Planned Unit Development <br />for all projects; revision of the plat to rearrange some of the lot lines to create the <br />lot at the northeast corner; ownership of the land and ramp by Metro Transit as a <br />requirement of the UPA, typical of most of their facilities; rationale for the loca- <br />tion of the ramp in the NE corner of the site rather than closer the I-35W ramp in <br />order to work within the development envisioned by staff and the developers; in- <br />clusion of indoor space for passengers, as well as a drop off site and space for <br />bike storage; current capacity of 375 spaces at Rosedale, which this could replace <br />depending on lease extension negotiations in 2011; transit hub at Rosedale re- <br />maining at least until 2017 lease expiration and results of those negotiations; and <br />logistics for connections from the transit hub component and Park and Ride facil- <br />ity. <br />Further discussion included Mr. Jones confirming that Met Transit Council had <br />authorized entering into a Purchase Agreement with the controlling party of the <br />Old Dominion properties; timing of the proposal being pushed by the UPA grant, <br />and the need to have a design and other work in place to begin construction at the <br />start of 2009; future potential for an additional Park and Ride site on the south <br />portion of the City, closer to Highway 36. <br />• <br />