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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 9, 2008 <br />Page 23 <br />tion by staff of the Requests for Proposals authorized by the City Council in <br />March of 2008 for consultants to complete design work for the municipal infra- <br />structure improvements within and adjacent to the Twin Lakes AUAR Subarea I. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that five proposals had been received, all from very quali- <br />fied firms for the project type, with two firms having been selected by the evalua- <br />tion team for interview. Following those interviews, staff now recommends to the <br />City Council the firm of WSB & Associates at an amount not to exceed <br />$458,036.00 as detailed in the Request for Council Action dated June 9, 2008. <br />Discussion included the ever-changing projects in early stages of development or <br />negotiation; continued interest of the development community; and the need for <br />more precise information to set elevations, determine location of infrastructure, <br />and other issues to facilitate that development. Staff noted the lengthy process for <br />the design work prior to construction itself, with anticipated timing for any future <br />construction in the spring of 2008 for those development projects already in proc- <br />ess. Mr. Trudgeon advised that funding for the design work was proposed to be <br />taken from Tax Increment District No. 11, followed by reimbursement from de- <br />velopers based on AUAR infrastructure payment allocations. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, while supportive of the City taking the lead role in coordi- <br />nating design, expressed concern with the scope proposed to encompass all of <br />Area 1 at this time, when the most interest is on the western edge; and opined that <br />some of the envisioned services may be premature at this point. Councilmember <br />Ihlan further opined that the City had a long history in the Twin Lakes area of <br />spending hundreds of dollars on consultants without those plans ever being used; <br />and spoke in support of moving forward with only those pieces known at this <br />time. <br />Mayor Klausing polled Councilmembers on their interest in pursuing a segmented <br />process as suggested by Councilmember Ihlan, with Councilmembers not sup- <br />porting such a process. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that Councilmember Ihlan had laid out the issues and <br />her concerns at various times in the past; but opined that development was going <br />to happen, and it was prudent for the City Council to achieve the overall design in <br />the most cost-effective way possible. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her concerns in not staging the design work. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the discussions held on numerous occasions, and Council- <br />member Ihlan's advocacy for a more segmented process; however, noted that on <br />multiple occasions the conclusion of the Council majority had been that from a <br />design sense, it made more economic and development sense to complete the en- <br />tire design process for Area I at once. <br />