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Last modified
11/17/2008 2:41:57 PM
Creation date
11/17/2008 2:41:56 PM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, March 05, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />seeking public assistance through tax increment financing (TIF). Mr. Grefenberg further opined <br />that, while he was impressed with staff’s thorough review of the applicant’s proposal, the <br />alternative professional office building could be more easily adopted to the site. Mr. Grefenberg <br />questioned if parking structures, or seeking higher density office users, were the best use of this <br />prime property and lake vista. Mr. Grefenberg recognized that the proposal was conceptual at <br />this point and that a landscaping plan had yet to be developed and negotiated, but opined that <br />park users should be screened from the parking ramps, and that the perspective of the park users <br />should be considered. Mr. Grefenberg asked that, as the project proceeded, that substantial <br />landscape details included screening and that more strict adherence to the urban design <br />principles be applied. <br />While not speaking directly in opposition to the proposal, Mr. Grefenberg further opined that <br />perhaps more patience was appropriate given the value of this land, more care and persistence <br />to the archived and broader urban design principles and value of this specific park continue to be <br />exercised by staff and the Planning Commission. Mr. Grefenberg spoke in appreciation of the <br />sidewalk and trail connections throughout the project to the lake, opining that if the developer <br />received public assistance for the project, as indicated, the taxpayers and public policy makers, <br />had a right to insist on attempts to achieve urban design principles as adopted. <br />Mr. Paschke responded that no matter how much landscaping was applied, it would be difficult to <br />screen the structures from the park; and questioned any provisions of City Code or City policies <br />that would dictate such a condition. Mr. Paschke advised that all attempts would be made to <br />enhance or mitigate impacts and create aesthetics to make the redevelopment part of the <br />community, and part of the park. However, Mr. Paschke noted the definite line separating private <br />developable land from park land, and the need to balance that with urban design principles. Mr. <br />Paschke clarified that the design principles were meant to serve as overarching themes, and <br />didn’t anticipate that any one project would meet all of the principles, but that based on their <br />location, certain themes could be achieved with specific projects to be incorporated into the <br />overall project, while respecting the best interests of the City from that broad perspective. Mr. <br />Paschke concurred that a detailed landscape plan was not part of this step in the process, and <br />that the project would continue to be refined and goals achieved as the process unfolded. <br />Mr. Paschke further clarified that the Planning Commission was charged with the land use <br />perspective, and that the City Council would have to identify the public participation framework <br />plan, with Mr. Grefenberg’s comments duly noted for the record, specific to public financing and <br />criteria in achieving urban design principles. <br />Commissioner Wozniak questioned if the City Council had considered TIF conditioned on <br />whether a proposal met LEED Certification standards; and suggested that the City Council <br />consider such a design standard for TIF-supported projects. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that the urban design principles spoke toward designing toward LEED <br />principles, but not specific to LEED certification; and indicated that it may be a policy discussion <br />on the City Council level for TIF. <br />Chair Bakeman noted that TIF was usually designated for infrastructure construction or <br />remediation of related issues, and may not be an applicable discussion for LEED Certification. <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing. <br />MOTION <br />Member Bakeman moved, seconded by Member Wozniak to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of <br />the REZONING and proposed GENERAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) <br />by McGough Development for the twenty-six (26) acre PIK Terminal parcel within the Twin <br />Lakes Redevelopment area, based on the comments and analysis of Sections 6 – 9, and <br />the conditions of Section 10 of the Project Report dated March 5, 2008; <br />and incorporation, <br />by reference, of revised staff recommendations as detailed in a bench handout distributed <br />at the meeting, clarifying Sections 9.20 and 11.2 of the Request for Planning Commission, <br />attached hereto and made a part thereof; with the recommended action amended as <br />follows: <br /> <br />
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