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<br />RES()ljUTJ:()~ N(). 206 <br /> <br />r.t a regular Council meetin[: on Tuesday, July 22, 1958, the folloHing <br />Resolution \,r;}s intrcJduced by hammersten and Seconded by Carlson. Eoll <br />Call, ~yes (1+)-Nnys (1), ;kGee opposed. <br /> <br />1.TCTER'::A~:, Tree County of rlamsey mms lanrl situDterl on <br />the north SIne of Lnrpenteur flvenue bete-Jeen Ferm-roor'! Cln" Ham1ine Avenues ',rl1ich <br />vms nurchased for a nonoinp area for 1N?ters dr('lining from Count,',' Hi"hwa7s, ;md, <br /> <br />"- <br /> <br />'r!C::R.E~S, 'T'he CO'.1ntv of Hamsey pro:::10ses to reconstruct <br />LarT'enteur Avenue from Fermroorl to Snelljn~ in the ,'Tear 1958, anrl in connection <br />t. ere"Ji th to install Cl storrn SC;Fer thereon for the purpose of rrovirlinf~ for <br />storm waters on sairl Larpenteur Avenue, ano <br /> <br />Tn 2:REAS, Larpenteur j~,'!enue 'nct.1"rE'en 381 r1 streets is <br />hor"'ererl by the City of St. Fnul "md the VillaSes of Hoseville an~ Fnlcon <br />'"eidd;s, the latter th'O of "lhich ria not '12'1(' storm "e1Ners, and <br /> <br />"J E2EA'3, 'T'he r8ccnstrnction of sajr1 Larpentenr Avenue <br />'tJi th its storm SeT'Jer 'r.Til! nrain OJ f3rea t ceal of water from streets in the sDirl <br />tHO villa (YO s, and <br /> <br />r"!j;.i>~S, Th8 construction of anri operation of a pmllp:ing <br />station will be necessary, tOB'ether 1rJUr' a force main extendinL~ from the pumpinG <br />station to emptv into the City of Fa'll's storm seHer loc2ted at Irlaho (\Venue <br />:md Chelsea Str'~)et in sa jd Ci'ty of 3t. heml, from 1,\lhich point Ha tere:; frolT the <br />ponoin['; area lid.ll flOl-J by 78'.Ti ty into L3ke Como, and <br /> <br />'jtji;:;(~!)S, P.s a condition to the use of said storm seever <br />;:mrl sairi Lake Como, the City of St. Faul has requirecl the '-aunty of Emnsey to <br />arree to pay a proportionate portion of the cost O"~ an o'JCrflovJ from Lake Como <br />into Cit.y of St. Faul's sel/Jers 10c8teo easterly of said Lake Como, <br /> <br />Nell, 'T'iEREfO!~17, :~T IS [,CR L'r "y the Villc1)'e of F',...J con <br />IIeif';hts a 1'](1 the 'IillClc:e of f~.osevi11e +,)'J3t eoch of them ,\'in P2Y to the County <br />of Rmnspy Irithin tl1 irty (30) rJays 8fter t.he cOFxle tion of s8irJ p'mlpin~ station <br />ano sClicJ force main 1/3 of the cost of the construction of a pumping station to <br />be built on the ponrljn 8.reCl site 'inrl '/3 of FIe cost of trF' force tnClin from <br />the sa:iri ponrJinf" 8reCl to connect 11ith ti-.? City of St. Faul storm S8ioT8r loc'lt8o <br />at the intersection of lriaho .~venue and Chelsea Street, awl each of t'1em agree <br />to D8Y 1/3 of the County's share of the cost of' the overflo1tT frem Lcd,e Como <br />,r"thin ]0 ~lA'1S of receipt of C)r',Tice ;os to their share, Aryl ench of said Vi1l8f:8S <br />further agrees to p"y to The County of H.arnsey in or bePere the month of J 811U ary <br />in the year f0110",in[' 1/7 of the 8nn'.101 CO,'3t of operabnr anrl malrlt.-c:i,.,-inf' snirl <br />pU7~inv station ;on? said force main. <br /> <br />Adopted by the VilJage <br /> <br /> <br />ria,'{ of ,July, 1952. <br /> <br />,fI',ITiT ;-,ST: <br /> <br />~~ <br />CLERK <br />