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<br />Resolution ~o. 208 <br /> <br />The Vi lla[e Clerk of the Vil18f8 of Roscville is hereby <br />autLorizec1 to prepare a certif'ierl copy of this reso111tioY'c;'1rl to certify <br />sarnG to tn.8 County A-llrli tor of Earnsey Count2T, I'lir nE~ so ta. <br /> <br />The plotion for the Cj(~option o~. ',he foregoing resolutj on 'd8S <br />rl'J1Y seccnrled by ;leri'ber ,c;nr] upon vote 'os j~rw taken thereon, <br />the followinr vote~ in favor thereof: <br /> <br />and t:1E': folJo\t.Tinp~ votcn d st the s~un8: <br />uhereupon sai(~ resolution '^Tasr1ec18rerl duly p;?sserl ~md arionted. <br /> <br />!,"CYj!Y1'!,'f) '0'1 t"le. 'J;"J"~')'e ol.~'" t1.ncPvJ'l-1e on 1'11:"11c.t 19 1C)cB <br />~ >..L _l , ,..J ' .; _JL.. _, ....__ _ ...LCl_ ::_ ~ ...... ~') _' _' _ \. r '. .""") _, ... :J I... . <br /> <br />r. rr Tl'T";' Qm. <br />,~ '. " " .' J . <br /> <br /> <br />_ili~~~ <br />