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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/30/2009 12:50:13 PM
Creation date
1/30/2009 12:50:12 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 12, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Mayor Klausing again refocused discussion on the matter at hand with unresolved <br />violations of City Code on the property, not future redevelopment potential. <br />Mr. Albrecht advised that he was willing to work with the City if they were will- <br />ing to work with him. <br />Mr. Munson advised Councilmembers that the neighbors were very upset about <br />the continuing violations, and impacts to their property values, and advised that <br />they had threatened to sue the City if the City failed to take action to resolve those <br />violations. <br />City Prosecuting Attorney Caroline Bell Beckman <br />Ms. Beckman advised that such Court Citation would be considered a misde- <br />meanor, and if unresolved, could be punishable with a $1,000 fine or 90 days in <br />jail. Ms. Beckman advised that Ramsey County judges usually look to a plea <br />agreement allowing for reasonable time for property compliance; or community <br />service or a fine, or some combination of both if there is no follow-through, given <br />consideration of weather issues. Ms. Beckman expressed optimism in Mr. <br />Albrecht's apparent willingness to work with City staff in achieving resolution. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, directing staff and the City's Prosecuting Attor- <br />ney to issue a Ramsey County Court Citation to Mr. Albrecht for public nuisance <br />violations, and violations of the Special Use Permit, at 1408 County Road C, as <br />detailed in the Request for Council Action dated January 12, 2009; amended <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of enforcing City Code; however sug- <br />gested areview of conditions of the SUP that the property owner indicated were <br />not workable or conducive to his business. Councilmember Ihlan concurred that <br />City Code should be uniformly enforced. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that <br />the requested action seek citations on code violations and leave aside the SUP. <br />Councilmember Pust clarified her motion, opining that staff and the Prosecuting <br />Attorney would determine which grounds were legally sufficient, and determine <br />those items on the SUP that were applicable, rather than the City Council dictat- <br />ing those items. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon advised that staff was will- <br />ing to work with Mr. Albrecht on land use modifications, as had been offered for <br />several years by staff, and clearly documented in his most recent correspondence <br />to Mr. Albrecht; and encouraged Mr. Albrecht to contact his office. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that staff and the City Council were not unreasonable and <br />were more than willing to work with property owners, but noted that they were <br />also held accountable by their citizens to enforce land use applications, and expect <br />
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