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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/30/2009 12:50:13 PM
Creation date
1/30/2009 12:50:12 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 12, 2009 <br />Page 17 <br />icy applied to a whole range of professional service contracts, and care needed to <br />be given that-those be considered in the discussion; and that the current policy had <br />numerous inconsistencies that needed to be addressed. <br />Councilmember Roe spoke in support of a best value for legal services, based on <br />review and performance criteria versus achievement, and suggested that the dis- <br />cussion include: 1)What purpose are we trying to achieve? and 2) How to imple- <br />ment those purposes. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted the need to review language proposed to be <br />stricken under the purpose statement to provide for an annual review of profes- <br />sional services. <br />Further discussion included terms of current legal contracts having expired at the <br />end of 2008; and fairness to all firms having bid. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that negotiating with current providers on a one year ex- <br />tension was appropriate. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, on the issue of extending contracts, opined that it was <br />completely inappropriate to take that action tonight without additional informa- <br />tion available and further review of the other proposals. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, on the issue of policy, noted that the Council had repeat- <br />edly stated their desire to achieve the best deal for the City; and opined that to do <br />so required vigorous competition in the open market. Councilmember Ihlan ques- <br />tioned perceptions in the legal community and reasons for so few bids being re- <br />ceived for legal services, or not wanting to bid against incumbents due to percep- <br />tions of entrenched relationships or insider arrangements and politicized deci- <br />sions. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that by opening bids for other firms, <br />and limiting years of service, it allowed for market competition and ensured pub- <br />lic confidence through a competitive, open market system, and provided fresh <br />perspectives. Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of revised policy language <br />that incumbents could rebid after a one year hiatus. <br />Councilmember Pust advised that she could support a one year extension with <br />current legal providers, if she were assured that the process was fair to other bid- <br />ders; thus her recommendation that action not be taken at tonight's meeting to al- <br />low all bidders equal opportunity, but recognizing that the best deal for the City is <br />not always based on price, but also quality and expertise of the services provided. <br />Councilmember Pust shared concerns that enough providers were not bidding, <br />suggesting that this indicated the current process and policy needed to be re- <br />viewed; however, she also recognized that government clients were served by a <br />subset of attorneys willing to do this less profitable work. <br />
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