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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/2/2009 1:38:00 PM
Creation date
4/2/2009 1:37:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 09, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmembers concurred that they required additional time to review this more <br />detailed data reviewed by staff before making a decision. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed concern that residents in attendance at tonight's <br />meeting should have some indication from the City Council of their intent, and <br />encouraged that action be taken tonight. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that, when he took the Oath of Office, it was his charge to <br />understand the problem or issue, and do what was right; and that based on the in- <br />formation provided to-date, he could not do so tonight. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that he was still trying to understand the issues, and <br />that he needed more information to complete his analysis of whether to impose a <br />penalty or not. Councilmember Roe advised that he took the concerns of both the <br />developer and residents seriously, and in his review, was attempting to be fair to <br />all parties. <br />Ms. Ippel again reviewed language of the State Statue regarding compliance and <br />penalties. <br />Councilmember Johnson, in addressing residents, opined that compelling argu- <br />ments were heard from them, and sought a show of hands on those in attendance <br />who were impacted by this rate issue. <br />Tracy Goodrich, Organizer with Affordable Rental Housing <br />Ms. Goodrich opined that an underlying issue with residents, as initially brought <br />to the City's attention when proposed by the developer, was the potential for rent <br />increases and displacement, while the developer received tax credits fro the prop- <br />erty. Ms. Goodrich noted that 22 people were displaced, thus creating the fiustra- <br />tion; and the apparent lack of concern or interest of the City until Mr. Cann had <br />identified the issue for the City. Ms. Goodrich alleged that, without Mr. Cann's <br />involvement, the City would have remained unaware, and the developer would be <br />continuing to overcharge renters. Ms. Goodrich questioned if this was how the <br />City would like to see their affordable housing tax credits used. <br />Marsha Kresse <br />Ms. Kresse reiterated her original concerns; the additional police calls to the com- <br />plex based on current renters; lack of belonging of neighbors; and other residents <br />who moved out due to the diminishing quality of the neighborhood, in addition to <br />those displaced. Ms. Kresse asked that the City Council ensure that those pre- <br />cious tax credits and bonds go to developers who do what they promise. Ms. <br />Kresse opined that this impact was substantial. <br />
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