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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/2/2009 1:47:56 PM
Creation date
4/2/2009 1:47:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 9, 2009 <br />Page 13 <br />the redevelopment area, including the stormwater portion of the project. Ms. <br />Bloom indicated six different property owners were involved, necessitating six <br />appraisals on those necessary parcels; and sought authorization for staff to enter <br />into contracts to perform those appraisals. Ms. Bloom noted that the appraisal <br />work, for obtaining right-of--way and easements from 12 parcels, with six differ- <br />ent owners, would be in conjunction with the federal process and timeline due to <br />federal monies being involved. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that staff was recommending that the City hire the firm of <br />Dahlen, Dwyer and Foley to conduct appraisals for the land to be purchased as <br />right-of--way and for temporary construction easements, in an amount not to ex- <br />ceed $21,000; and hire a consultant to conduct easement acquisitions for the pro- <br />ject, with staff recommending WSB and Associates in an amount not to exceed <br />$19,520. Ms. Bloom noted that the appraisals and acquisitions be funded through <br />Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District No. 17; with reimbursement of these costs <br />as developments come in, as part of infrastructure engineering and administration <br />study costs. <br />Councilrnember Ihlan questioned the need to hire an outside easement acquisition <br />consultant when staff could and current legal counsel could perform the work in <br />their regular course of business. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that given the tight timeframe, and current in-house staff <br />loads of the City's Engineering Department with $5 million in City projects to- <br />date; an~i current work loads in the Community Development Department, there <br />was not staff to perform the work. Ms. Bloom advised that the City Council did <br />not perform negotiations for easements; and assured Councilmembers that, in or- <br />der to move Phase I forward, outside assistance was necessary. <br />Council~nember Pust questioned the anticipated timeframe for receipt of the first <br />reimbursement from development projects; with Ms. Bloom indicating that the <br />Park and Ride structure would be the first redevelopment project coming forward, <br />with a portion of Iona Lane being constructed as part of their contract; including a <br />portion of Twin Lakes Parkway drainage facilities to provide regional drainage <br />for overall infrastructure improvements in the area, and in order to meet infiltra- <br />tion requirements for Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that the project was authorized by the City Council previously; <br />with an infrastructure contribution amount of $1.5 million for the Park and Ride <br />facility; and easement costs included in the overall $3 million project cost; with <br />DEED grant funds received to assist in purchasing the easements. Ms. Bloom ad- <br />vised that staff would bring each purchase back to the City Council for their ap- <br />proval. <br />
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